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1. Use an example from our text to describe some of the possible links between technology and innovation, social movements, and social change. Has activism changed due to the advent of the Internet? How are information and the way it is circulated in the present affecting social movements and, in turn, affecting social change? (CSLO 2, USLO 11.4)
2. Discuss value-added theory in relation to social change in the context of an event associated with one of the following movements: #MeToo, #DACA, #MuslimBan, and Black Lives Matter, etc. Identify and discuss the five conditions that must exist for social change to occur per value-added theory. (CSLO 2, USLO 11.2)
3. Select one of the five types of social movements described in our text and define it, providing specific examples. Next, reflect upon the particular social movement that you provided an example of and discuss whether it would have been more effective had leaders of this movement chosen one of the other types of social movements to further their cause. (CSLO 2, USLO 11.2)


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