Observe a speech-language pathologist or audiologist. You are responsible for arranging this observation. Reach out to speech-language pathologists or
audiologists who work in settings in which you are interested in working or who work with populations with whom you are interested in working. Explain that
you are a student enrolled in an introductory Communication Sciences and Disorders course and that you are interested in learning more about the
profession of speech-language pathology or audiology through observation.
Prior to your observation, review the expectations regarding professionalism outlined on the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Undergraduate Student Handbook. Of particular importance, be respectful and maintain strict confidentiality.
I observed a Speech-Language pathologist her name was Justina Lapiri from St Joseph’s Health in Paterson, NJ. I then have to write a 1 page reflection in
APA style regarding my experience. But all i observed was her assessing the patient and trying to get him to speak since he was extubated. I did not get
much experience but do you think i can get help with this even if you have to add extra since i did not get enough observation.
Then the professor said to,
Provide a summary of your experience. Be sure to include the name of the facility at which you observed and the name of the speech-language pathologist or
audiologist whom you observed. However, do not include identifying information regarding client(s) whom you observed.
What do you anticipate will be the most rewarding aspects of a career as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist?
What do you anticipate will be the most challenging aspects of a career as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist?
Sample Solution