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Study Guide Episode #26 Kevin Allen

What your name is, and what is your full title? Career highlights

Keywords: 30-year advertising veteran, entrepreneur, college professor, The Hidden Agenda, emotional motivation, Google, Burberry, Expedia, AHA moment, Priceless, MasterCard, JWT, McCann, new business development, Ketchum

Can you describe an ad agency?

Keywords: creative department, traditional agency, account management, business problem, strategic solution, strategic planning, brand, target audience, business strategy, creative strategy, media, media planners, media buyers, Universal McCann, finances, human resources, full-service agency, PR, HR, trailblazers, McCann Erickson

Describe the different types of agencies, structures, models.

Keywords: McCann Erickson, (J Walter) Thompson, Grey, independent agencies, sales promotion, OgilvyOne, direct marketing, digital, holding company, Interpublic Group, WPP, Omnicom, profitability, CMO, demand economy

Describe different types of agency-client relationship.

Keywords: retainer, project, commission, 15%, performance-based, incentive, supply and demand, fee, soft elements, awareness, preference, purchase intent, market research, quantitative tools, first-mention, brand association, propensity to purchase, profitability, KPI or key performance indicator

How do you calculate a retainer?

Keywords: scope of work, salary cost, overhead factor, fixed and variable costs, profit margin

How did you scope which account was up for review? How did you basically prospect it in the marketplace?

Keywords: business development, cultural compatibility, the transition points, inflection points, search consultants, pitch, prospecting, CMO or Chief Marketing Officer, RFI or Request for Information, RFP or Request for Proposal, chemistry meeting, speculative work, code of honor

Where do you see the Ad Agency going? What are some of the trends?

Keywords: human creativity, Dove Real Beauty, demand economy, dis-aggregation of holding companies, holistic firms, Deloitte, product integration / placement, branded entertainment, age of Intrusion, age of engagement

Advice to students.

Keywords: persistence, Advertising Age

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