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In this essay please talk about how oil drilling is an environmental racism issue that can come with very negative health problems and please talk about how they only choose to put oil drills in ethnic neighborhoods. Talk about how they do this in South Los Angeles, mainly. You can mention them doing this in other communities but I kinda want to focus on my readers community which is South Los Angeles. This is an argumentative essay so can you please try and convince the reader that they should agree with me. Can you do this by giving multiple examples of how oil drilling can be extremely harmful to those who live around them. Please provide a clear thesis statement in the beginning of the essay that clearly states that oil drilling is horrible for our health and thats why the government decides to put it in ethnic neighborhoods, because they are racist. Also, please provide enough evidence to support what you are saying. Thank you so much for your help. Please make this high school appropriate by not using very big words:)! I want to make sure the high schoolers understand. If you have any questions, please contact me. Again, I really appreciate this thank you so much.
Here are some sources that I really want you to use:
– https://theconversation.com/los-angeles-long-troubled-history-with-urban-oil-drilling-is-nearing-an-end-after-years-of-health-concerns-175983
– https://www.ioes.ucla.edu/project/stand-la/
– https://www.thenation.com/article/environment/los-angeles-oil-drilling-nalleli-cobo/

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