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Information: Pull up “The Story of an Hour “ by Kate Chopin and use it for the literary analysis
Objective: The most important thing to keep in mind as you write this piece is that your job is to successfully apply a critical theory to a text.

Step 1: Review the “Story of an Hour”, and consider the feminist theory or the Psychoanalytic critical theory that we have reviewed and applied,
· Step 2: Choose one of the following options to write about for essay 1.
1. Apply the psychoanalytic,
2. The feminist approach to “The story of an hour”
Step 2: Compose a detailed essay of your critical analysis including an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to include various direct quotes from the story throughout your essay to support your point. You should have a minimum of 3 sources (however, you will more than likely have at least 5 sources).



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