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You are a licensed paralegal who has recently been retained by a new client with regard to a landlord tenant matter. They are unhappy with the state of repairs on their rental unit and so want you to make an application to the Landlord Tennant Board for a rent abatement. During your last meeting with your client to finalize the application, they were very angry about how the owner of their apartment building ignores their requests about the repairs. During one of their tirades your client mentioned that they are sure that the landlord is using one of the empty units as an illegal marijuana grow-op. Your client is impatient about how long that matter will take to be heard and so instructed you to threaten the landlord with reporting the grow-op to the police if the landlord dos not agree to a rent abatement. Based on the provided information, how should you proceed with this matter?
Authority: Text p. 127; Paralegal Rules of Conduct Rule 3.02(9), Rule 3.08(5)(b)

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