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For this assignment, you will prepare a presentation on either hip-hop fashion or hip-hop dancing. Choose one of these topics based on your interest and conduct research to gather information about its history, key elements, significant figures, and impact on culture. Your presentation should be informative, engaging, and visually appealing.


1. Research: Conduct thorough research on your chosen topic to gather relevant information. You may use the articles and/or videos from this week's resources. You may also do your own research.

2. Presentation Format: Prepare a  visually engaging presentation using  . Ensure that your slides include relevant images, diagrams, and videos (optional). 

Presentation Content:

a.  Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the history and significance of hip-hop fashion or hip-hop dancing.

b.  Key Elements: Identify and explain the essential elements that define hip-hop fashion or hip-hop dancing. Include examples and visual aids to illustrate these elements.

c.  Historical Evolution: Trace the evolution of hip-hop fashion or hip-hop dancing over the years. Highlight key milestones, influential figures, and notable trends.

d.  Cultural Impact: Discuss how hip-hop fashion or hip-hop dancing has influenced and been influenced by broader culture, including mainstream fashion, music videos, films, and popular culture.

e.  Contemporary Trends: Explore current trends and innovations in hip-hop fashion or hip-hop dancing. Identify emerging styles, artists, or designers who are pushing boundaries and driving change.

f.  Personal Reflection: Share your personal thoughts and reflections on the significance of hip-hop fashion or hip-hop dancing in contemporary society. Discuss any personal experiences or connections you have with the topic.

Citations: Include a properly formatted list of references in APA format, 7th edition

Topic is fashion

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