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Week 4 – APA Papers


Write a 1000-1500 APA 7th edition paper using the following outline. 

· Introduction – Introduce and summarize the content of your paper. 

· Based on the reading assignments of Wrestling with Alligators, Prophets, and Theologians – Chapters 1-5, Chapters 6-9, and Chapter 10  write about Dr. C. Peter Wagner's life and his influence on the modern Church. What are some of the takeaways that moved your heart? 

· What are the expectations and goals you wish to achieve through the MHD program? 

· Write a summary or conclusion to your paper. List ways that you can apply some of the life lessons that Dr. Wagner learned to your life. 

· List research, textbook, Scripture and video references at the end of your paper per the APA format. 

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