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This week, we heard two podcasts from individuals sharing their experiences about why they write. For this assessment, you will create your own account of why you write. Assuming a general audience will read your essay, write a 2-full page, double-spaced narrative with the theme why I write. However youd like to approach this theme is up to you.

Essential Activities:

Reading the article, “Employing Narrative” will assist you in writing this paper.
Listening to the podcast, “What Makes a Great Short Story? With Jenn Ashworth” will assist you in writing this paper.
Listening to the podcast, “How to Build Your Writing Routine with Megan Bradbury (” will assist you in writing this paper.
Watching the video, “How to Tell a Story” will assist you in writing this paper.

This paper must be formatted in APA Style 7th edition.
Please refer to the written assignment rubric on the start here tab for this paper.
This paper is due “Sunday” at 11:59 PM EST

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