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Mike Lawson

5/18/2023 at 12:50 PM

My completed map is regarding infant mortality rate by state which is the number of infant deaths under 1 year of age for every 1,000 live births based on Hispanic or Latino (blue), Non-Hispanic or Latino (bright green), or Unknown/Not Stated race (yellow) for 2018. As you can see from the chart the top states with infant deaths are Texas, California, Florida, New York and Illinois; with Texas (917) and California (906) being highest in number for infant deaths of Hispanic of Latino race and then Florida (1050) and Texas (1150) being highest in number of infant deaths of Non-Hispanic or Latino race. 

From the information shown there was almost 21,000 total infant deaths in the United States. In my research for this information, I also found out that the top five leading causes of infant deaths in 2018 were birth defects, preterm birth, injuries, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and pregnancy complications. This information is important because it helps researchers to investigate and to consider the variety of complex factors in an effort to better understand racial disparities in infant mortality such as things like maternal demographics, health, behavior, medical care before, during and after birth and home and social environments. Thoughts?

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