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  1. Final Project Directions and Requirements

    You are a drug enforcement agent and have been invited as a guest speaker to explain to a group of high school students how stimulants affect the central nervous system. You will focus on the biological process as it relates to the allure of the stimulant providing a sense of well-being (dopamine).

    Explain the central nervous process to the students.
    Content Requirements:
    o Choose a type of stimulant that we have studied in this course (amphetamines, cocaine, alcohol, caffeine)
    o Briefly describe the nature of the stimulant. Be sure to include:

    § how stimulants enhance mood
    § The neurological process as it relates to the Central Nervous System.
    § its prevalence in our society.
    § it’s impact on our society.

    o You should consult at least three sources in preparing your presentation. Your last slide should be a reference slide following APA format.
    300 WORDS


Subject Drug Abuse Pages 3 Style APA


How Cocaine Affect the Central Nervous System

Drug and substance abuse is a problem destroying the lives of several youths across the globe. Cocaine, a stimulant extracted from coca leaves is one of the most abused drugs. The drug can be smoked, injected into the veins or snorted.   According to Peacock et al. (2018), cocaine is the second most popular and abused stimulant after cannabis. McCall Jones, Baldwin and Compton (2017), estimates that between 18 and 25 million people use the drug each year across the globe.

Cocaine significantly enhances the mood of its users. When one is happy, the brain secrets pleasure hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, making one feel the pleasure. After a while, the brain reabsorbs the hormones making one revert to the initial state.  Using cocaine affects this natural process, the brain releases the pleasure hormones, but cocaine inhibits their reabsorption back into the brain making a person remain in a constant state of pleasure due to over concentration of the neurotransmitters in the brain.  Such a person experiences an enhanced mood.

Cocaine affects the central nervous system by affecting the brain that controls it. The brain has neurons that communicate and tells the body what to feel.  When the body gets a stimulus such as a good meal, it releases neurotransmitters to enable the person to feel relaxed and enjoy the food. The brain controls the level of the neurotransmitters released to keep the body balanced. When cocaine is introduced into the body, it interferes with the brain’s ability to communicate resulting in the buildup of neurotransmitters making a person become euphoric and extremely happy (Brower, 2016). Therefore, cocaine affects the nervous system through its ability to inhibit the functioning of the brain.

Cocaine affects society negatively; it leads to violence since it inhibits the ability of those using it to think critically. Secondly, it causes health complications like high blood pressure, stroke and lung cancer; conditions that are not only expensive to treat but also leads to death. Cocaine is also highly addictive and therefore affects the productivity of users.

In conclusion, cocaine is a dangerous stimulant that negatively affects the brain. The drug is highly addictive and renders those dependent on it unproductive. Additionally, it leads to vices such as violence and crime the society. Furthermore, it exposes those using it to dangers of suffering from stroke and developing high blood pressure. It is, therefore, a drug people should stay away from.   












Brower, D. (2016). The Effects of Cocaine on the Central Nervous System.<sup>1</sup>. Journal Of The American Medical Association, VI(3), 59. Doi: 10.1001/jama.1886.0425001006702

McCall Jones, C., Baldwin, G. T., & Compton, W. M. (2017). Recent increases in cocaine-related overdose deaths and the role of opioids. American journal of public health, 107(3), 430-432.

Peacock, A., Leung, J., Larney, S., Colledge, S., Hickman, M., Rehm, J., & Ali, R. (2018). Global statistics on alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use: 2017 status report. Addiction, 113(10), 1905-1926.


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