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    Summary and focus: In this lesson we will be focusing on ratios, and proportional relationships. We will provide real-life examples comparing grocery prices, as well as comparing which person runs a faster lap around the track, and much more. We will be working in a variety of ways such as small groups and individual learning to help connect the relation between ratios and proportions.


    Teaching Notes: Work in the direction of your students to help them understand ratios and proportions. If they are understanding common denominators that is the approach we will take as a classroom.


    Technology: We will use two videos that will help the students comprehend ratios and proportions. The first video will be a simple, and fun video that the students can laugh and enjoy. The next video is going to dive a bit deeper into this topic, and it will take a different approach about this topic.

    Video 1: This is a fun interactive song, which resembles a popular song that the students should recognize.



    Video 2: This video dives a little deeper on understanding rates and such. The professor speaking on the video does a great job on breaking down each subject. Although it may be a little boring, he provides drawings to represent what he is speaking about, which is easy to follow, and to understand.



    Closure: Students will be given a small piece of paper, before the bell rings, and they will be asked what are ratios and proportions, and provide an example. They will hand their small piece of paper to me before they leave the classroom.




Subject Lesson Planning Pages 8 Style APA


GCU College of Education



Teacher Candidate:

Grade Level:



Instructional Plan Title


7th Grade

April 14, 2019


Ratios and Proportions

I.  Planning

Lesson summary and focus:

In this lesson, we will be focusing on ratios and proportional relationships. We will provide real-life examples comparing grocery prices, as well as comparing which person runs a faster lap around the track, and much more. We will be working in a variety of ways such as small groups and individual learning to help connect the relationship between ratios and proportions.


Classroom and student factors:

This classroom serves students with IEP’s, general education students, advanced students, ELL students, as well as students with 504 plans.

The teacher will consider the diverse learning needs and styles through differentiating instruction according to student needs.


1.      Acquire proper teaching materials

2.      Offer examples of the subjects to learners.

3.      Enhance group activity

4.      Review with the class as a

Academic Language:

Key vocabulary:

Ø  Unit Rate

Ø  Comparison

Ø  Proportions

Ø  The ratio of quantity A to B

Ø  Simplifying



Students will identify the ratios of omen quantity to another and simplify to the least values.


Students will work in groups to complement each other in understanding ratios and simplifying,







Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology:

Document camera, White board, Laptops. Chart paper, pencils, dry erase markers, work sheets, headphones, vocabulary picture cards, math journal

Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GciAsmfwlEc)




Ells will be grouped in pairs with native English speakers within diverse groups. Students with an IEP, 504, and behavior goals will be dispersed amongst groups of diverse learners. The teacher will pull struggling students during independent work time for small group instruction.


II. Instruction

A.  Opening

Prior knowledge connections:

Students have been learning about numbers and how to use them in arithmetic calculations. However, they have never had the opportunity to utilize the math and the concept of numbers in real life situations. In this regard, the ratios and proportion aspect will help student utilize class knowledge in daily activities through comparison.


Anticipatory set:

The ratio and proportions lesson is essential in helping students understand how ratios are developed and then simplified.

B.  Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):

I Do

Students Do


1.      Start by saying “Todays Learning target is to understand what a unit rate is. You will understand this by comparing prices and working together to decide what the unit rate is for each item.”

2.      Hand out groceries to every student. Some will get cereal boxes, rice bags, canned goods, different brands of noodles, etc.

3.      Challenge groups to find the best price for the item they have – students with the same items get together, do the math, and discuss their answers.



1.      Students will write down the amount (quantity) and the price.

2.      Students will do the math to find out the unit rate- without explaining how to do it.

3.      Students will give answers and explain how they found out – verbally only.

4.      Students will revoice the explanation(s) that are correct and show the math on the White Board.

5.      Students will explain their answer.


A.    ELLs

1.      Write content and language objectives for lesson on the whiteboard. Provide vocabulary cards with pictures and definitions for unit rate, ratio, and proportion.

2.      Provide earphones and text to speech when students access their laptops to access online resources such as the videos included in the lesson and http://www.ixl.com to revisit the information until they have a clear understanding of the content within the lesson.

3.      The teacher will work with students individually at this time as needed.

B.     Struggling Students

1.      The teacher will pull a small group during independent learning time to work with students using modeling, and explicit instruction using a math sort for ratio and rates.

2.      Students will use the sort to review the key vocabulary words. Students will access the videos reviewed in the lesson using their laptops.

3.      While viewing the video(s), students will write in their math journals the key words and definitions. They will write examples of ratio and unit rate problems for quick reference. Students will access   http://buzzmath.com   to master content within the lesson.

4.      The teacher will work with students individually at this time as needed.

C.    Advanced Students

1.      Challenge students to create their own unit rate problems. Have these students switch problems and solve.

2.      The students can access mathisfun.com to play more challenging games unit rate and ratios.



Summative Assessment:

1.      At the students will be asked to describe a strategy that gave them the clear understanding of what a unit rate is by using the appropriate language and to calculate to find the unit rate.

2.      The students will complete an Exit Ticket in which they define ratio and unit rate.


Struggling students will use pictures, words, or both to show the strategy they used.




Students will be given a small piece of paper before the bell rings, and they will be asked what are ratios and proportions, and provide an example. They will hand their small piece of paper to me before they leave the classroom.


The teacher will provide practice questions after class



Rationale for Revisions

  • The revisions are vital because they insist on using practical demonstration to complement videos as a way to enhance the comprehension levels of students.
  • Using journals and worksheet as suggested by revisions is ideal for helping students have a reference point.
  • Summative elements are ideal as indicated in revisions because they help the teacher gauge the comprehension levels of the learners.
  • The revisions are ideal because they suggest the concept of group activity, which is ideal for developing independence and self-learning among the students.
  • Combination of teaching approaches by using both videos, whiteboards, and worksheet is ideal in helping learners memorize lessons.
  • Corrective measures for students who offer incorrect responses are ideal in helping them understand their mistake as indicated in revisions.
  • The revisions are ideal because they require the teacher to encourage independence among learners.
  • The revisions are ideal in helping to develop a more effective teaching plan.

Lastly, the revisions indicate that every aspect of learning involves continuous improvemewhole

Formative assessment:

The teacher will conduct a quick check to assess learning after viewing the video clip(s). The teacher will check for understanding by asking them to raise their hands if they know the words and definitions of the following words: (Ratio, Unit Rate, and Proportion).

To check for understanding, the teacher will ask students to give an example of each key vocabulary word.

nsides, hence facilitating an effective engagement process.


Department of Education of Missouri (DESE). (2017). Common Core Standards.  Retrieved from https://dese.mo.gov/college-career-readiness/curriculum/missouri-learning-standards#mini-panel-mls-standards2

Fiorille, A. (2015).  Greater Than, Less Than, Equal to Game.  Retrieved from http://education.com/Lesson-plan/greater-than-less-than-equal-to-game/

Murdock, L. (2015).  Basic Facts.  Retrieved from http://api.betterlesson.com/mtp/lesson/575288

Share My Lesson. (2017). Teaching Resource.  Retrieved from http://sharemylesson.com/teaching-Resource/addition-10-147942










Appendix A:

Communication Plan for an Inpatient Unit to Evaluate the Impact of Transformational Leadership Style Compared to Other Leader Styles such as Bureaucratic and Laissez-Faire Leadership in Nurse Engagement, Retention, and Team Member Satisfaction Over the Course of One Year

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