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When a Bully Targets Your Child    

Reading Supplement Rubrics

Question 1:  What is the title of the article?

                          0 point     Incorrect title

                          1 point     Partial title

                          2 points   Correct title

Expectations:  List the title exactly as listed.


Question 2:   List three main conclusions of the article.

   0 points    Failed to address question

                        1-2 points   Discussed one conclusion in a competent manner.

                        3-4 points   Discussed two conclusions in a competent                                                                               manner.

                        5-6 points   Elaborated on three conclusions in a competent manner.

Expectations:  There needs to be five to seven sentences for the entire answer.  Minimum of 50 words maximum 250 words.


Question 3:   Are the ideas presented in the article viable?

                0 points      Failed to address question.

            1-2 points      Briefly discusses viability of conclusions.

3-4 points      Discusses viability of conclusions without referencing specific conclusions in essay.

            5-6 points      Elaborates on the viability of ideas of all three conclusions.

Expectations:  There needs to be five to seven sentences for the entire answer.  Minimum of 50 words maximum 250 words.


Question 4:   How can the information in this article assist your psychological well-being?

                           0 points       Failed to address question.

1-2 points       Discussed one personal connection to the information presented.

3-4 points       Discussed two personal connections to the information presented.

5-6 points      Elaborated on two personal connections to the information presented

Expectations:  There needs to five to seven sentences for the entire answer.   Minimum of 50 words maximum 250 words.


Subject Article Writing Pages 3 Style APA


  1. When A Bully Targets Your Child

    The title of the article is “When a Bully Targets Your Child” by Sue Shellenbarger

                The article has three main conclusions. First, it recommends that parents should take time to listen to the child being bullied and develop a game plan. Parents need to install hope and confidence on their child or children rather than acting irrational and judgmental on realizing that they are subject to bullying (Shellenbarger, 2016). Second, when bullying gets out of hand, parents are advised to calmly approach teachers or the school administrators for further intervention. Lastly, school administrators and teachers are advised to conduct thorough investigation on bullying and show preparedness to address and intervene bullying in schools.

    The ideas presented in the article can be concluded to be viable. First, in most cases, children who are subjected to bullying often lack confidence and portray fear which makes them vulnerable. Hence, with their parents being their primary supporters, it is advisable that the parents learn how to act in a manner that installs hope and confidence to their children. Second, the safest and most applicable approach is to inform the school first before approaching the bully’s parents since most bullying incidences occur in schools. Lastly, it is the duty of the school administrators and teachers to ensure that all bullying codes and protocols are observed. Further, those that participate in bullying need to be punished accordingly.

    The information in the article can assist my psychological wellbeing through improving my understanding of bullying in schools. The article helps me realize that children need their parents to constantly remind them of how great and confident they are to help them deal with bullying incidences. Also, through the article, am aware of that schools ought to have protocols and codes addressing bullying in schools. Hence, it gives me confidence that those kids being bullying can be helped to overcome their fears. Further, those kids who bully can be helped stop such unacceptable behaviors.




Shellenbarger. S. (2016) When a Bully Targets Your Child. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from: http://www.wsj.com/articles/when-a-bully-targets-your-child-1473789440?tesla=y

intervention research: saving lives by improving the quality and quantity of organs for transplantation. National Academies Press.

Sarnaik, A. A. (2015). Neonatal and pediatric organ donation: ethical perspectives and implications for policy. Frontiers in pediatrics3, 100.

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