ECON 7110: Consumer and Firm Behaviour
Lecture 3: Preference and Utility
Allan Hernandez Chanto
University of Queensland
Semester 1, 2021
What is Economics?
Economics is the study of
I How decision makers CHOOSE
I To satisfy WANTS (objectives, preferences,. . .
WANTS: Rational vs. Behavioural
I Rational { I DO what I WANT.
I Behavioral { I WANT what I DO.
I Either way, in economics we will use \Preferences” to describe
I We separate the WANTS (described by preferences) from
what is POSSIBLE (a_ordable, feasible).
Objects of Choice: Consumption Bundles
I A Consumption Bundle is a bundle of goods.
I In general, we have many goods: food, cars, houses,
computers, hair cuts, swimming sessions, psychiatric sessions,
dentist appointments, etc.
I A bundle of goods is described by a vector (5; 4; 4; 2; 1; 7).
I This bundle has 5 units of the _rst good.
I 4 units of the second good, etc.
I Let’s focus on a 2-good world.
I Why 2 goods?
I It takes 2 to express a trade-o_!
Allan’s 2-Good World
I Allan likes to consume two goods: Pasta and Wine.
I A consumption bundle is a pair (p;w), in which p denotes the
quantity of plates of pasta, and w the number of glasses of
wine in the bundle.
I Notice that each bundle can be completely described by 2
numbers: the amount of pasta and the amount of wine.
I However, order matters!
Table: Some Examples of Consumption Bundles
Pasta (units) Wine (units)
Bundle 1 1 2
Bundle 2 3 1
Bundle 3 2 0
Bundle 4 1 _
Representing Consumption Bundles – Cartesian Plane
(1; 2)
(3; 1)
(2; 0)
(1; _)
Preferences over Consumption Bundles
I We can take the consumption set to be ALL possible bundles
of pasta and wine. That is, ALL pairs of non-negative real
I Or, we could take it to be ALL pairs of non-negative integers.
Then the consumption set has \gaps in some sense.”
I It is sometimes convenient to use all pairs of non-negative
reals. NO GAPS! The whole non-negative cartesian plane.
Preferences over Consumption Bundles
I We are interested in how a consumer \values” di_erent
consumption bundles (\pairs of pairs” in a 2-good world, or
\pairs of vectors” in a many good world).
I If a consumer is confronted with bundle A and bundle B, she
I Prefer one over the other.
I Like them just as much, or
I Be unable to decide.
I These comparisons are called Preferences
Buridan’s Donkey Paradox
I Have you heard about Buridan’s Donkey Paradox? Let
Sheldon and Amy teach us the concept of the Buridan’s
Donkey|The Big Bang Theory
I Can you \_x” the Burdian’s Donkey Paradox using a
preference approach?
Cartesian Plane or Grid
Good 1
Good 2
I Using the Cartesian Plane means we can subdivide goods as
_ne as we want.
I Or we can use a Grid.
Binary Relations
I The technical term for two-way comparisons is Binary
I E.g., \bigger than,” \cuter than,” \is the mother of.”
I They are called \binary” because they compare two objects
(bundles) at a time.
I They are called \relations” because they state whether or not
some relationship holds between the two objects.
I For example, Mary \is the mother of” Jane.
I Mary and Jane are the objects.
I “is the mother of” is the relationship.
I Bundle (4; 2) \is at least as good as” bundle (2; 4).
I (4; 2) and (2; 4) are the two objects.
I \is at least as good as” is the relationship.
Preference as a Binary Relation
I First, take the Consumption Set over which the preferences
are de_ned to be the Cartesian Plane (non-negative part).
I A \is at least as good as” B if A is better than B or A is just
as good as B.
I This is all according to the consumer (Consumer Sovereignty).
I This allows \indi_erence” – you like each just as much as the
I Indi_erence is not to be confused with . . . \I don’t know” or \I
can’t compare them.”
Preference as a Binary Relation
I Since \is at least as good as” is already a long statement, we
have invented a new symbol %:
x % y
is short hand for \x is at least as good as y”
I This is similar but NOT EQUIVALENT to _.
Two Derived Relations
I From the \weakly preferred to” relation, we can derived two
more binary relations:
Strictly preferred to
Bundle A is strictly preferred to Bundle B if A is at least as
good as B, but B is not at least as good as A.
Or, in symbols:
A _ B if and only if A % B and B 6% A
Indi_erent to
Bundle A is indi_erent to Bundle B if A is at least as good
as B, and B is also at least as good as A.
Or, in symbols:
A _ B if and only if A % B and B % A
Assumptions on Preferences %
Name of Assumption Completeness
De_nition (in English)
For any two bundles A and B, either A is at least as good as B,
or B is at least as good as A.
Mathematical De_nition
For any two bundles A and B,
either A % B or B % A
Meaning Every pair of bundles can be compared.
I We use \or” to allow BOTH A % B and B % A |
I A and B as variables can even be the same bundle, for
example, A = (2,2) and B = (2,2).
An Example of Complete Preference
I Suppose Allan weakly prefers A to B whenever A contains as
least as much TOTAL food (plates of pasta plus glasses of
wine) as B.
I Mathematically, let A = (pA;wA) and B = (pB;wB), then
A % B whenever pA + wA _ pB + wB.
I This preference relation is complete.
I Mathematically,
I Either pA + wA _ pB + wB, in which case A % B;
I Or pA + wA < pB + wB, in which case B % A.
A Preference that is Not Complete
I Suppose A % B if and only if pA _ pB and wA _ wB (A has
at least as much pasta and wine as B).
I This preference is not complete. Consider the following
A = (3; 1)
B = (1; 3)
I Neither A % B (since A has fewer glasses of wine).
I Nor B % A (since B has fewer plates of pasta).
Name of Assumption Transitive
De_nition (in English)
For any three bundles A, B and C, if A is at least as good as B,
and B is at least as good as C, then A is at least as good as C.
Mathematical De_nition
For any three bundles A, B and C,
A % B and B % C imply A % C
Meaning The relation can be \transferred.”
A Preference that Is Transitive
I A % B i_ pA + wA _ pB + wB.
I This preference is transitive:
I Suppose A % B and B % C
I This means
pA + wA _ pB + wB (A % B)
pB + wB _ pC + wC (B % C)
I Hence A % C (since pA + wA _ pC + wC )
I Notice, the “greater than or equal to” relation _ is transitive
on the reals.
Exercise 1
I Suppose Allan weakly prefers A = (pA;wA) to B = (pB;wB) if
the product of the consumption in A is greater than or equal
than the consumption in B
A % B whenever pA _ wA _ pB _ wB.
I Is this preference complete?
I Is this preference transitive?
Implications of Complete and Transitive Preferences
I For a _nite set of bundles, complete and transitive preferences
ensure that there is a optimal (\best”) choice according to
those preferences.
I A is best means A is at least as good as every other bundle.
I Note there may be more than one best choice, in which case
the individual is indi_erent between all the \best” ones.
I If % is transitive, then so are _ and _.
Comparison of % over Bundles to _ over Numbers
Both preferences % over bundles and _ over numbers are:
I Complete and transitive | Check for yourself.
I However, _ has another property that preferences might not
have . . .
I It is called anti-symmetry.
If A % B and B % A, then A and B must be the same item
(bundle, number, etc.).
I Why do we allow for violations of anti-symmetry with
I To allow indi_erence between di_erent bundles of goods x and
More is Better (Weak Version)
Name of the Assumption
If bundle A has more than
bundle B of every good, then
A _ B.
Meaning More (of ALL goods
together) is better.
Bundles in the shaded
area (excluding borders)
are strictly preferred to
More Is Better (Strong Version)
Name of the Assumption
Strong Monotonicity.
De_nition If bundle A has at
least as much as bundle B
of every good, and more of
at least one good, then
A _ B.
Meaning More (of ANY group
of goods) is better.
Bundles in the shaded
area (including borders)
are strictly preferred to
Di_erence between Monotonicity and Strong Monotonicity
I If preferences satisfy Strong Monotonicity (and hence also
I G _ B
I P _ O
I If preferences satisfy Monotonicity but not Strong
I G _ B
Averages Don’t Hurt (Weak Version)
Name of the Assumption
De_nition If A _ B, then any
average of A and B is at
least as good as A.
Meaning Averages are not
worse than extremes.
Bundles on the line be-
tween A and B are aver-
ages of A and B.
Averages Are Better (Strong Version)
Name of the Axiom
Strong Convexity.
De_nition If A _ B, then any
\strict” average of A and B
is better than A.
Meaning Averages are better
than extremes.
Bundles on the line
strictly between A and B
are \strict averages.”
Exercise 1: Revisited
I Suppose Allan weakly prefers A = (pA;wA) to B = (pB;wB) if
the product of the consumption in A is greater than or equal
than the consumption in B
A % B whenever pA _ wA _ pB _ wB.
I Is this preference monotone?
I Is this preference strongly monotone?
Nearby Bundles Are Similar
Name of the Assumption
De_nition If A _ B, then
A0 _ B0 whenever A0 is
\su_ciently close” to A,
and B0 is \su_ciently
close” to B.
Meaning Small changes in
bundle sizes do not change
Utility Representation
I Binary relations are cumbersome.
I It would be easier to have a numerical representation of
I We call such a representation Utility.
I Utility is an assignment of numbers to each bundle, such that:
u(x) _ u(y) if and only if x % y.
Existence of a Utility Representation
If a preference relation is complete, transitive and continuous, then
it has a utility representation.
I As a matter of fact, if the consumption set is _nite (or
countably in_nite), only completeness and transitivity is
required to have a representation.
I Continuity is required to deal with the continuum (Cartesian
I Other assumptions {convexity and monotonicity { are natural
for economics problems and have some other bene_ts.
Utility Is Ordinal
I Recall that preference is about comparison only, there is no
content on magnitude.
I So, . . . when A is at least as good as B, we only required u(A)
to be at least as large as u(B); we don’t care by how much
I We say that \Utility is Ordinal” | which in plain English
means \only order matters” (better, indi_erent, or worse), not
magnitude \cardinality.”
Real-life Application: College Admission Systems
I In many countries around the world students are assigned to
majors via a \centralised system.”
I Students are ranked according to their score in a standardized
I They are asked to report preferences over academic programs.
These preferences are ordinal.
I An algorithm assigns students to academic programs using the
reported preferences and scores.
I How can you compare the \intensity in preferences” of two
di_erent students?
Other Real-life Applications
I Votes in committees.
I Political elections.
I Preferences over courses.
I Preferences over rooms in students’ residences.
I Any other example?
A Mathematical Fact for Our Use
I Suppose f is a function that assigns a real number to each
real number.
I f is strictly increasing if
x > y implies f (x) > f (y)
x = y implies f (x) = f (y)
x < y implies f (x) < f (y)
I Examples of strictly increasing functions: f (x) = 2x + 1,
f (x) = x2, f (x) = ln x, where the domain of x is positive real
I Examples of functions that are not strictly increasing:
f (x) = 0, f (x) = x2, where again the domain of x is the
positive real numbers.
Utility Representation Is Not Unique
I As utility is ordinal, we can come up with di_erent utility
representations for the same preferences.
I In particular, if u is a utility function representing a preference
%, and f is a strictly increasing function, then we can de_ne
the function v by
v(A) = f (u(A)) for any bundle A
and v will also represent the same preferences %.
Multiple Representations
I We stated Allan’s preferences over Pasta and Wine as A % B
i_ pA + wA _ pB + wB.
I A natural representation is: u(A) = pA + wA.
I Another one is: v(A) = 0:5[(pA)2 + (wA)2] + pAwA.
I Here f (x) = 0:5×2 which is strictly increasing on non-negative
I v(A) = f (u(A)) = 0:5[pA + wA]2.
I Con_rm it!
- Preference is a binary relation over the consumption set.
- We can impose assumptions on preferences.
Completeness Everything can be compared.
Transitivity The preference is transferable.
Continuity Close bundles are similar.
Monotonicity More is better.
Convexity Averages are better.
- When preference is complete, transitive and continuous, it has
a utility representation.
- Utility is ordinal | only order matters {better, worse, or
indi_erent . . .
Next Time
I More on working with utility in the consumption set.
I Also: Constraints | not everything in the consumption set is
Tutorial 3: Consumer’s Choice
ECON 7110: Consumer and Firm Behaviour
The University of Queensland
Semester 1, 2021
Question 1
Three friends, Alice, Bob and Carol, have the following individual preferences over the food they
usually get: Chinese, Indian and Italian.
Alice Bob Carol
Most preferred Chinese Italian Indian
Indian Chinese Italian
Least preferred Italian Indian Chinese
Jointly, they agree to determine their group preference as follows: Cuisine A is preferred to B
if A gets the majority of votes against B in a two-alternative vote.
- What is the group’s preference over Chinese and Indian food?
- What is the group’s preference over Indian and Italian food?
- What is the group’s preference over Chinese and Italian food?
- Is the group’s preference over the three cuisines transitive? Why or why not?
Question 2
In a discussion of tuition rates, a university official argues that the demand for admission is
completely price inelastic. As evidence, she notes that while the university has doubled its
tuition (in real terms) over the past 15 years, neither the number nor quality of students applying
has decreased. Would you accept this argument? Explain briefly. (Hint 1: The official makes
an assertion about the demand for admission, but does she actually observe a demand curve?
What else could be going on? Hint 2: Think about the existence of potential substitutes.)
Question 3
Suppose there are only two goods: Beer and Milk. Tom’s preference over bundles of beer and
milk is as follows: For any two bundles A = (bA,mA) and B = (bB,mB) (where b and m denotes
the amount of beer and milk, respectively), A % B (i.e., “A is at least as good as B”) if and
only if:
Either bA > bB;
Or bA = bB and mA _ mB.
In other words, Tom cares, first and foremost, about the amount of beer, but if the two bundles
contain the same amount of beer, then he prefers having more milk to less.
- Is Tom’s preference complete? If yes, show why; if no, give an example of two bundles
between which Tom cannot compare.
- Is Tom’s preference monotone? Strongly monotone?
- Does Tom’s preference comply with the property of diminishing marginal rate of substitution?
Subject | Economics | Pages | 8 | Style | APA |
Analysis of Consumers’ Choices
Question One
- Group’s preference over Chinese and Indian food
The group has preference for Chinese food over the Indian food by Bob and Alice’s votes to Carol’s.
- Group’s preference over Indian and Italian food
The group has preference for Indian food over Italian food by Carol’ and Alice’s votes to Bob’s
- Group’s preference over Chinese and Italian food
The group has preference for Italian food over Chinese food by Carol and Bob’s votes to Alice’s
- Is the group’s preference over the three cuisines transitive? Why or why not?
No, the group’s preference over the three cuisines is not transitive. If the cuisines were transitive, owing to the fact that the Chinese cuisine is preferred over the Indian one, and Indian cuisine preferred over the Italian one, transitivity ought to suggest that the Chinese cuisine is preferred over the Italian cuisine (Qin, 2017). Nonetheless, the opposite is true for the three cuisines under investigation. Thus, the group’s preference over the three cuisines is not transitive since preference often forms a complete cycle among the available options (Qin, 2017).
Question Two
Accept the argument? Briefly explain
Personally, I would not accept the given argument. This is because the university official presumes that the demand for admission is entirely price inelastic and has remained stable (that is, the demand curve has remained without shifting to the right or left) over the fifteen-year period. This appears unlikely. Demand for university or college education has risen over the years for a number of reasons: increase in the size of the population, increase in people’s real income, and the perceived worth of a university/college degree has risen, among other factors (Lin & Peng, 2019). Possibly, the tuition fee has doubled to T2 from T1, resulting in an increase in demand to D2 from D1 over the fifteen years, and the two effects have counterbalanced each other. Consequently, the quality and quantity of applications has remained unchanged or steady at A, indicating that the demand curve for admission is not perfectly inelastic as asserted by the university official. See the figure 1 below.
Figure 1. The demand curve for university admission
Question Three
- Tom’s preference complete?
Yes, Tom’s preference is complete. For any two bundles, according to Runkler (2018), A = (bA, mA) and B = (bB, mB), either (i) bA > bB; (ii) bB > bA or (iii) bB = bB. With reference to case (i), A is preferred strictly to B, while in case (ii) B is preferred strictly to A. With regard to case (iii), there is a need to examine milk consumption to help determine one out of the two bundles is preferred. There are three cases viable for consideration with regard to case (iii): (iiia) mA > mB, (iiib) mB > mA, or (iiic) mA = mB. With regard to case (iiia), A is preferred strictly to B since it has equal consumption of beer but stringently more milk consumption. In case (iiib), analogously B is preferred strictly to A. similarly, in case (iiic), Tom is indifferent between B and A since both bundles would eventually be the same (that is, they would have similar amounts of milk and beer). Thus, Tom is often capable of making a comparison between any two bundles, and thus, his preference for either is complete (Runkler, 2018).
- Tom’s preference monotone?
Tom’s preference is robustly monotone. Let there be a bundle A = (bA, mA). if Tom is offered a new bundle B = (bB, mB), having the same quantity of milk but more than beer (that is mA = mB and bB > bA), he would have a greater preference for the new bundle B (Lin & Peng, 2019). Similarly, should the new bundle have the same quantity of beer but more of milk (that is, if mB > mA), he would equally have preference for the new bundle. Thus, Tom’s preference is robustly monotone and then monotone.
- Tom’s preferences comply with the property of diminishing marginal rate of substitution?
No, Tom’s preference for the bundles does not act in accordance with the diminishing marginal rate of substitution. For any single bundle that Tom consumes, regardless of how high he consumes beer, he is in most cases willing relinquish all his milk consumption or get a unit more of beer.
Lin, C.-C. & Peng, S.-S. (2019). The Role of Diminishing Marginal Utility in the Ordinal and Cardinal Utility Theories. Australian Economic Papers, 58(3), pp. 233-246, 2019, Available at SSRN: or
Qin, D. (2017). Partially dominant choice with transitive preferences. Econ Theory Bull, 5, 191–198.
Runkler, T. A. (2018). Mapping Utilities to Transitive Preferences. In: Medina J. et al. (eds) Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Theory and Foundations. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 853. Springer, Cham.
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