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Printmaking rose to prominence at the same time as the printing press was invented and economic conditions were improving for most people in Western Europe. Artists began marketing their work directly to the general population, rather than only to the wealthy and powerful. Because of these beginnings, do you feel that printmaking is an art form that can be associated more with particular social and political environments than others? Is the commercial aspect of printmaking an important cultural consideration? How do the commercial and social implications of printmaking relate to contemporary American culture?
Please minimum 250 words



Subject Art and design Pages 3 Style APA



                                  Commercial and Social Implications of Printmaking         

             The commercial aspect of printmaking can be viewed as a critical cultural consideration. While printmaking was considered an artistic pattern that spread across social classes, the way the art was applied could be used to define some cultural consideration (Stijnman & Savage, 2015). Although some designed art for commercial purposes, others used the art to display the development of the art, as well as, their cultural effect in art.

Printmaking has resurfaced in various new directions and in the last two decades, prints have become more accessible, visible and cheap. Stijnman and Savage (2015) noted that printmaking is also viewed as a joint activity and studios as well as workshops play a critical role in the refinement of artist’s ideas around printmaking. For instance, many organizations have produced various print projects, interventions, collaborations and cooperative ventures. Most of these organizations have adopted print as a technique for political and social engagement. For this reason, I believe that given that printmaking has become more complex and essential in technology across the world, it can be applied in certain political and social environments.

            As a commercial aspect, printmaking is a critical cultural consideration. Culture has played a critical role on the growth of printmaking and enabled it to continue surviving in the competitive market. In most cultures, the approach of generating art from printmaking is a tradition and has been conducted for years.  Moreover, in the contemporary society, students who pursue art are being informed about these techniques and methods that constitute printmaking. Whether it is for commercial purposes, it assists individuals create designs and images.

            The social and commercial implications of printmaking relate to modern American culture since it depicts an art initially used to examine commercially viable ventures, illustrations for magazines and books, incorporating reproducing history paintings while similarly bringing the artists together and improving on the art.





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Stijnman, A., & Savage, E. (2015). Printing Colour 1400-1700: History, Techniques, Functions and Receptions. Leiden, Netherlands: BRILL.



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