Research essay American vs European food practices and which is healthier and why
While we contemplate our writing process this quarter, we also need to contemplate our research process. In our lesson this week, we read about organizing
research. Use this opportunity to share your research process for Essay 2. Please see your course schedule for due dates! Your initial post must be at least
200 words in length. Your peer reply must be at least 100 words long. Please reply to those who do not have replies before replying to those who do. You are
only required to reply to one peer but replies to other peers are encouraged!
Please post your thesis and outline for Essay 2 and respond to one or more of these questions in your initial post:
How do you organize your research?
What sources have you found for Essay 2?
What challenges are you facing with research?
Please respond to one or more of these questions in your peer reply:
Is your approach to research like your peer’s approach? Is it different? In what ways?
Do you have any tips you can share with your peer?…