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a. In the first paragraph introduce the paper by stating your purpose and what you intend to do i.e. analyze your own personality by applying the various concepts from the different theoretical perspectives on personality i.e. trait, psychoanalytic, humanistic, socio-cultural etc.
b. Provide a general description of your personality
• Use subheadings for each section
Trait approach
a. Describe what traits are and the different models i.e. The Big Five, Cattell, Allport
(you don’t have to apply all the traits from each model just one or two)
b. Apply each trait approach to your personality while providing concrete examples of how traits are expressed in your attitudes or/and behavior (Incorporate the results from the trait test you took in class)
Psychoanalytic approach
a. Describe the psychoanalytic approach
b. Apply various aspects of the psychoanalytic approach to your personality i.e. ID/EGO/SUPEREGO, defense mechanisms etc while providing concrete examples of how these concepts are expressed in your attitudes or/and behavior
c. Describe Freud’s Psychosexual development model and describe how one of the stages relate to you
d. Summarize
a. Describe the Neo-Freudians (Adler, Horney, Jung, Erikson) and say how their ideas are different from Freud’s. Say how their ideas relate to your personality
Humanistic (Rogers/Maslow)
a. Describe the humanistic approach and the ideas of Rogers and Maslow
b. Apply various aspects of the humanistic approach to your personality i.e. Needs on Maslow’s hierarchy, Rogers concept of unconditional regard etc while providing concrete examples of how these concepts are expressed in your attitudes or/and behavior
c. Summarize

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