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Dr. Wigand displayed moral intelligence by demonstrating empathy for others
while still being courageous to bring awareness to an unethical situation. A person
with moral intelligence must manage an ethical problem through self-sacrifice,
which shows a commitment to improving circumstances for an individual or group
(Hadian Shirazi & Sabetsarvestani, 2021). A person’s ability to whistle blow to
bring change does take strength and a commitment to ethical principles. Since not
all are willing to take the risk to take a stance against unethical actions, do you
think ethical characteristics can evolve over time?

Sample Solution

Yes, ethical characteristics can evolve over time. People are constantly exposed to new information and moral dilemmas which can lead to the evolution of their ethical principles. With increased awareness, people may become more sensitive to ethical issues and be better equipped to make decisions that reflect morally responsible behavior. People can also develop better understanding of social norms, cultural values, and laws in order to ensure they act ethically. Additionally, individuals have the ability to learn from mistakes or others’ experiences, allowing them to refine their own ethical principles over time.




Sample Solution

Yes, ethical characteristics can evolve over time. People are constantly exposed to new information and moral dilemmas which can lead to the evolution of their ethical principles. With increased awareness, people may become more sensitive to ethical issues and be better equipped to make decisions that reflect morally responsible behavior. People can also develop better understanding of social norms, cultural values, and laws in order to ensure they act ethically. Additionally, individuals have the ability to learn from mistakes or others’ experiences, allowing them to refine their own ethical principles over time.




Python is its own language and has its own syntax for programs to execute correctly; likewise in the English language there are correct ways to construct sentences. These are the rules we all follow. Python makes use of grammar students use in every subject, for example brackets and speech marks and often students fall short because they forget that these come in pairs, therefore syntax errors would appear in their work and their programs would not work. Grammar and spellings are just as important in a programming language as well as any other language.

Understanding the importance for numeracy and literacy integration can help to become more inclusive in the classroom. Students must be able to access the lesson content. Florian (2005) describes inclusion as ‘not a denial of individual difference, but an accommodation of it within the structures and processes that are available to all learners’ along with Tomlinson (1997) who says that it is ‘matching the resources we have to the learning styles and educational needs of the students.’ Inclusion is not just about those students with Special Educational Needs, but allowing every student with the fair chance to succeed. This could be as little as getting the student who struggles with literacy to react verbally to deepen their understanding of a topic first, before constructing their evaluation.

One of my students in Year 10 class has poor social skills, by incorporating room for discussions this is aiding his communications skills by talking but also scaffolding his learning. With using pair work, I am driving him to be verbal. Literacy is not just about reading and writing. I also ensure that he both verbally explains his work to me, as well as a written evaluation. If students cannot access learning due to lack of literacy and numeracy skills they can become excluded from the learning environment. Cologne (2015) said that no children should be segregated. Boosting students’ knowledge of literacy and numeracy, I am giving the students the best chance for accessing the curriculum not just in Computer Science but also with skills they will need outside the classroom.


To demonstrate my ability to plan, teach, assess and evaluate I used the University of Brighton lesson plans before delivering the series of lessons (APPENDIX). After each lesson I reflected on my own development but also the progress of students which is laid out in Part F of the lesson plan (Appendix). One of these lessons also fell inside literacy week in our school and as part of this I was tasked to produce a literacy activity around Computer Science. I based this on the key words that students w

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