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Reflect on what you have learned throughout this course. How can you apply what you learned to your own framework of ethical leadership? Based on whatyou learned in this class, what are some changes you want to make in your own ethical framework? How does this tie into the organizational or industry lens of ethics?
Course Specifics:
The goal of this course is to provide a foundation for students to think through ethical dilemmas effectively. The course focuses on three areas of ethical
decision-making: the individual, the organization, and society. Students will be developed to think about how they choose to live their personal and
professional lives, making conscious choices, expanding their capacity to grapple with the questions that life will bring their way; at home, at work, and in our
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the impact ethics has on your personal life, work life and in your community.
2. Apply a model for decision making within an ethics context.
3. Identify, evaluate, and synthesize scholarly sources of ethical theories.
4. Demonstrate mastery of the ability to recognize that there are always many viewpoints to consider when making ethical decisions.
5. Apply concepts to minimize risk of harm to others in your life, organization, and community when ethical situations involve you.
6. Conduct a small-scale action research project based on leadership recklessness, capturing the essence of the cost of poor decisions.
Course Topic:
– Is Biology a Factor in Ethical Behavior?


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