Develop a community-based initiative to eliminate or reduce the presence of a local social or economic injustice through the use of a social media tool.
Explain how to apply a social media tool to develop a local initiative. The social media tool may be the use of Facebook, Skype, Twitter, a blog, or others.
Describe the social or economic injustice you desire to eliminate or reduce in the local community.
Create a social media presence, including a plan to sustain or maintain the social media tool, and ensure its alignment to the technology standards.
Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
What population will the initiative serve?
How is the initiative different than others in the community?
Apply the social media tool used to promote the initiative and how you will promote community well-being through the use of the technology standards.
Discuss why this tool was chosen and its benefits for your initiative.
Discuss how you will create access to the social media.
Discuss how you will maintain and sustain the social media presence to promote the initiative.
Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to the area of social or economic injustice you have identified.
Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
Describe how you will promote community well-being through the ethical and effective use of the technology standards.
Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts and why it is important.
Analyze how the collaborative involvement of the agency, community, organization, group, or individual you are presenting to will promote the success of the proposed initiative that advocates for appropriate services, resources, and supports to achieve goals and foster positive change.