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• Parsons, R., & Dickinson, K.L. (2016). Ethical Practice in the Human Services. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.

Read Chapters:
• 9: Confidentiality
• 10: Boundaries and the Use of Power
Additional Reading:
• See uploaded file: Professional Therapy Never Includes Sex

• Please see two uploaded files.

Assignment #1
Please read the following prompt and respond with a post of 250 words.
• In chapter 9 of the textbook, the authors discuss the ethical obligation that human services professionals have for confidentiality.
• In addition to what the textbook covers related to the obligatory nature of confidentiality, what is your personal conviction regarding the importance of confidentiality from a personal or relational perspective?
• Why do you think confidentiality is important in mental health settings?
• Do you see any downsides to confidentiality in mental health settings?
• How would mental healthcare look different if confidentiality wasn’t enforced?

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