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Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum review the website SlackLinks to an external site.. Use SlackLinks to an external site. to communicate with your foreign student research partner(s) and explore the trade environment of the foreign marketplace for the...

Accurate coding of patient care

  From your role perspective as either a nurse executive, nurse educator, family nurse practitioner, or nurse informaticist: 1) How important is it to nursing and health care that we have accurate coding of patient care? 2) What can you do in your role to...

Cultural Diversity and Choosing an Organization

  Begin by completing the Module 4 Presentation Part I; and making sure you have viewed all videos and read all articles provided in the presentation. In addition, make sure to review the scope of the team project. In the previous module, your team narrowed in on a...

Values and biases influence our perceptions

  As we have learned, our values and biases influence our perceptions in subtle and not so subtle ways. Your assignment is to select an opinion piece from a newspaper (printed or online) and: Discuss why you selected this particular article Identify how the...
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