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First Amendment rights

A private employer had a policy on the “appropriate use of social media” which stated that employees could not post material on social media accounts that identified them as employees of the organization and presented or advocated positions that directly contradicted...

Lack of a thorough examination

A 16-year-old boy was hit by an automobile while riding his bicycle. He was taken to the emergency room by a parent; the physician on call looked him over and sent him home. The boy died a few hours later. Autopsy revealed that he had a massive skull fracture. Was the...


A woman was in labor. The nurse on duty refused to call the obstetrician. Instead, the nurse sat and read a magazine, ignoring repeated requests from the patient and her husband to call a physician. The husband informed the nurse when his wife was about to deliver,...

Pressing charges against an institution

          A patient who has not paid a bill has come to the emergency room for medical treatment. While there, a medical assistant notices a large amount of money in her purse. The medical assistant tells the security guard. The guard stands at the patient’s room and...

Business law

          Plaintiff Raymond Vadnais alleged that, in 1986, he visited [a physician] at Beth Israel Hospital’s ear, nose, and throat clinic complaining of ear pain. After antibiotics failed to relieve the pain, [the physician] recommended surgery. However, after [the...

Legal implications

              Identify one question/item you would advise this employer to edit or remove from the job application based on possible legal implications. Be sure to focus on an item that would be legally prohibited at the federal level. This particular question...
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