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Policy and Program Development

    The graduate develops policies, practices, procedures, and programs that foster organizational ethics and socially responsible behavior. As an organizational leader, one of your primary roles is establishing programs and policies that ensure the organization...

Developmental theories

Pick an age: 1, 3, 7, 12, 15, 22, 35, 50, or 75. Think of your own experience or the experiences of those you know at this age. Consider the major developmental theories you learned about in this module (psychosocial, cognitive, and moral), and apply them to the age...

Level of cognitive moral development

    Compare the deontological and consequentialist perspectives and how each perspective would approach the dilemma from the scenario. C. Identify and explain which level of cognitive moral development (i.e., preconventional, conventional, or postconventional) is...

The US, in a different language

  Watch a FOREIGN movie (foreign director, it takes place outside the US, in a different language (except for movies done in England or another foreign country where English is the main language)) In an essay, provide a brief summary of the plot or story line (half...
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