by Belinder | Sep 12, 2023 | Environmental Science
What are the major environmental and sustainability issues facing the United States, and what initiatives and policies are in place to address them?
by Belinder | Sep 7, 2023 | Environmental Science
Watch online video clips from the documentary “Unnatural Causes: Is Inequity Making Us Sick?” Go to, use the dropdown next to “Select Filter” in the center of the page in order to watch the clips associated with each...
by Belinder | Sep 5, 2023 | Environmental Science
Compare and contrast the prevention through design concept with design safety reviews. Provide examples that illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of each.
by Belinder | Sep 5, 2023 | Environmental Science
Imagine you are the safety manager for a large company that manufactures cardboard products. The organization has been developing a risk management process over the past year, and has determined that Preliminary Hazard Analysis, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, and...
by Belinder | Sep 5, 2023 | Environmental Science
ScenarioYou are a member of a community planning committee. The committee is reminding local citizens about recently enacted environmental laws. You are responsible for developing an infographic to showcase one of these new laws. The infographic will be displayed at...
by Belinder | Sep 5, 2023 | Environmental Science
Watch the video at CNBC: “ power-rundown-detroits-water-crisis.html.” and discuss Detroit and the burden of paying for water. How might we provide clean safe water to poor households who can’t afford to pay for...