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The natural disaster (Hurricane Maria)

            A minimum of five sources outside of the course textbook. (Glarum, Jan, Adrianopoli, Carl. (2020). Decision Making In Emergency Management. ISBN: 978-0-12-815769-5) The student will focus this paper on the incident, the response to the incident, the...

Declared Disasters in the US

  Please select a topic of interest from the list of Declared Disasters in the US during your lifetime, according to FEMA.gov (link below). You will need to cite at least three (3) credible references and explain this event in detail: 1. How did this natural disaster...

Public Health Issues

  Defend a claim about how your chosen topic should be addressed from an ethical perspective. This will be a claim about what should or should not be done, what should be avoided, etc. Explain in detail how that viewpoint applies to your research topic. For example,...

Protect our environment

  In this assignment, let’s suppose you have all the supplies and techniques you need, consider what we have learned in this course, and propose a method or strategy to protect our environment, reduce, reuse and recycle what we are consuming every day. In your...
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