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Disasters and Mental Health

Disasters and emergencies are stressful for many people including survivors, families, rescue workers, communities, etc. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2017), “When people experience a disaster, they may experience a...

The drug RhoGAM

Case Study: A client had an SVD (spontaneous vaginal delivery) today. The labor and delivery nurse gives you a shift report and notes the client is RH Negative and her infant is RH Positive. Discuss the drug RhoGAM (immune globulin), including: RouteNursing...

Respiratory Disorders

JR is a 17-year-old Caucasian girl who presents to her primary care provider for follow-up and evaluation regarding her asthma. During her visit, she reports having had to use her albuterol MDI approximately 3-4 days per week over the past 2 months, but over the past...
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