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The dangers of using e-cigarettes

  Topic: A health issue (The dangers of using e-cigarettes) Using the research write a review of the literature on the topic above. Below are some guidelines. Audience: Literature reviews are written for a range of audiences. They may be useful for professionals who...

Family Tree Analysis

    Wite a 2-3 page analysis of the family tree you created in Week 1 to illustrate the medical issues and health behaviors that have affected your family for at least three generations. To recap from your family tree activity in Week 1, some common health issues you...

Health Promotions Project

  Health Promotions Project – you will develop a health promotion educational material (Trifold Pamphlet), based on the population you are assigned. The purpose of this assignment is to encourage students to explore the health promotion needs of the...

Cancer Symptoms and their Management

Symptom Clinical Manifestations (including Diagnostics) Possible Nursing Diagnosis Interventions (including Medications and complementary alternative therapy)  Anemia Neutropenia Thrombocytopenia Neuropathy Cognitive disorders Chemo Induced Nausea (CIN) Mucositis...
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