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Strategies to ensure healthy aging

  Discuss and submit your PICOT question on Strategies to ensure healthy aging What is the healthcare problem you propose to change? What impact does it have on the patient, community, cost of care, quality of life, readmissions? Be detailed about your population and...

Psychosocial History and Mental Status

  Psychosocial History Interview a volunteer subject and write up the Psychosocial History and MSE. You may use a friend or a family member. Please disguise all identifying information to protect the privacy of the person being interviewed. For this assignment,...

HMS: Legal Implications of Human Services

    • Parsons, R., & Dickinson, K.L. (2016). Ethical Practice in the Human Services. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. Read Chapters: • 9: Confidentiality • 10: Boundaries and the Use of Power Additional Reading: • See uploaded file: Professional Therapy...
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