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        1. Explain what Tressie McMillan Cottom means when she says that US healthcare systems assume black women’s incompetence? Use specifics from the author’s argument as you summarize the main points. 2. As she conveys the story, how might Cottom’s...

Conducting a health assessment

        Conduct a health assessment of a population of your choice. Explain the process and summarize the results. Effective communication is one of the most critical skills a health care provider can master. Nurses communicate to a variety of individuals with a range...

U.S. Health Care System

        Research the delivery, finance, management, and sustainability methods of the U.S. health care system. Evaluate the effectiveness of one or more of these areas on quality patient care and health outcomes. Propose a potential health care reform solution to...

The Future of Informatics in Healthcare

  answer all three questions 1.)Search the literature for articles related to nursing informatics. 2)Post an annotated bibliography of 1 article. Review an indicator from your unit (choose a national benchmark indicator pertinent to your area of expertise). Using the...
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