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Programming language.

Create a class called Employee that includes three pieces of information as instance variables — a first name (type string), a last name (type string) and a monthly salary (double). Your class should have two constructors, one default and one that initializes the...

R Programming

In this learning activity, you will explore the use of R programming in health care. R is an open-source free software used for statistical computing and graphics. You will write to examine how R is used for data analytics and decision-making in health care....

Compliance Plans And Programs Presentation

Select a health care facility (e.g., hospital, physician practice, long-term care facility). Create a 10-minute, 9- to 12-slide voice-over presentation in which you explain the basic outline of a compliance plan for the health care facility you selected and how it...

Stock buyback program

When a company participates in a stock buyback program, it means that the company is buying shares of its own stock and taking them off the market. With this simple definition in mind, how would a company’s stock buyback program affect its Earnings per Share?...
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