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Whistle Blower Program

We explored the GSK case and briefly looked into the whistleblower program. This “collab homework” will look further into the whistleblower program and the roles of governance and internal control in it. You may use the following questions as a guide for...

Program Portfolio

“Create a financial plan outlining a clear, financial overview for your business of choice. Address potential financial issues in the business environment. Include relevant topics from what you have learned throughout the semester, which could include your...


Construct a framework for the evaluation of your project. Identify and describe the type of model selected for evaluation: discrepancy, goal-free, transaction, goal-based or decision-making model. Discuss why this model was chosen. You will then develop the tool(s) to...


Construct a framework for the evaluation of your project. Identify and describe the type of model selected for evaluation: discrepancy, goal-free, transaction, goal-based or decision-making model. Discuss why this model was chosen. You will then develop the tool(s) to...

Intro to Object Oriented Programming

Create an ATM class with class variables name, pin, and balance, a constructor with parameters toassign values to the three instance variables, methods to get the name, pin, and balance, and methods tohandle validated deposits and withdrawals ( deposit and withdrawal...
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