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A shipping company maintains a file “Weights.txt” that contains the individual weights in kg to 1 decimal place of a number of parcels. The maximum parcel weight allowed is 20 kg. Postage stamps are available in denominations of €3, €6, €9 and €12. The postage cost in...


A shipping company maintains a file “Weights.txt” that contains the individual weights in kg to 1 decimal place of a number of parcels. The maximum parcel weight allowed is 20 kg. Postage stamps are available in denominations of €3, €6, €9 and €12. The postage cost in...

Database design and optimization

You are taking on the role of the network designer and are required to work with your manager to present your design for a new scalable network to the CIO. Generally, you will need to first draw the major components of the network diagram(s), and then briefly describe...
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