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    Submitting a request for proposal (RFP) is usually a requirement for human services administrators who wish to pursue government grants. For example, the director of a homeless shelter might apply for a grant from the state government for supplies, such as cots for the shelter, to expand the program. Completing an RFP can be a long process that requires planning and collaboration. Before delving into the details of the RFP, it is wise for administrators to develop a strategy and an organized method for carrying out the steps of the process. Completing the RFP can be a challenge for human service administrators. Nevertheless, the effort is well worth receiving government grants for human services programs that might otherwise go unfunded.

    In the same group to which you are assigned for your Final Project, you will participate in a Group Wiki. In your Group Wiki, you are expected to build on the Wiki posts your group has added.

    Post the steps you would take to complete a request for proposal. Include where you might go for information, who you might talk to, and who you might enlist to assist with the process.


Subject Writing a proposal Pages 3 Style APA



Completing Request for Proposal

            This post provides the steps that will be taken to complete request for proposal (RFP) to apply for government grants for funding human services programs. A good RFP ensures that a given program is funded and completed as planned. The steps that will be taken to aid completion of an RFP are as follows. The first step is to determine and establish boundaries of the project/program at hand. These include the total approved budget, project constraints, technical requirements, and deadlines. The second step will be to identify consultants, advisors and key stakeholders who will lead the process.  The third step is to engage stakeholders in definition of project needs and the fourth step is the write the RFP. The fifth step will be to create a draft of the project’s scoring criteria and the sixth step would be to circulate the RFP. The seventh step will be to review responses and the last step will be to negotiate and sign a contract (Techsoup, 2020).

            Consultants, grant administrators, and legal advisors will be resorted for advice, information about grants, and for the process of applying the grants. A good example of a grant agency to be consulted is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation (2020).  Besides, grant website may be reviewed for further information. Other organisations or individuals who are engaged in provision of human services may be enlisted to help provide guidance and expertise on how to successful apply for grants.



Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation. (2020). Community Conservation Partnership Program: Request for proposal (RFP) guidelines. Retrieved on Jan 05, 2020 from, http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/cs/groups/public/documents/document/dcnr_006107.pdf

Techsoup. (2020). A RFP process overview for non-profits, charities, and libraries: Some basic considerations for each phase of the RFP process. Retrieved on Jan 05, 2020 from, https://www.techsoup.org/support/articles-and-how-tos/overview-of-the-rfp-process









Appendix A:

Communication Plan for an Inpatient Unit to Evaluate the Impact of Transformational Leadership Style Compared to Other Leader Styles such as Bureaucratic and Laissez-Faire Leadership in Nurse Engagement, Retention, and Team Member Satisfaction Over the Course of One Year

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