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 Concert 2  

You will be required to watch and write a one-page, double-spaced report of your analysis and impression on the link

Stravinsky Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-3wI3Upvpw

a) Composer information (Short biography, work status, nationality)
b) Include the bold lettered Genre name and its definition.
c) Description (What do you hear in the piece? i.e. instrumentation, voices, etc.)
d)Analysis (What is the piece about? The story if any.)
e) Opinion (How did you like it or not and why?)




Subject Art and design Pages 3 Style APA


Le Sacre du Printemps

Composer Information

Born in June 1882, Igor Stravinsky was a Russian-born composer, conductor and pianist. With his work attaining artistic depth and impression before World War 1, Stravinsky is alongside others, considered one of the most influential composers in the entire 20th century. Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) became one of his most notable works through his remarkable musical career. He died in 1971.
Genre Name and its Definition

The Rite of Spring is a ballet and orchestral composition. Ballet is an artistic dance whose origins can be traced to the Renaissance Italy and whose marked formalized steps have over time acquired their own vocabulary in its highly technical form. Ballet is today a concert dance.

Notable in the instrumentation of this composition is the unmistakable sounds of the 5 flutes (with 2 doubling on piccolo). There are oboes, bassoons, clarinets strings and percussion (Mingus, 2019). The music notably moves with the height of the performance and folk dances. There is, noted in this composition, a harmony of the instruments, coupled with the manner in which the pace and manner of their playing contribute in heightening the conflict, easing the tension and furthering the story. The instrumentation also sets the mood at various times. Sometimes it is tense; sometimes it is calm and relaxed.

This orchestral performance has a borrowing from folk tradition, and the storyline basically based on a pagan ritual whereby a sacrificing virgin dances herself to death (Mingus, 2019). It is a chilling story both in its conception and execution and throughout the dance, the inevitable doom of the girl is built up by the other dancers who constantly circle her like the main prize.

The reason why this piece lends itself to greatness is the highly technical nature of the innovations and amalgamations that the artist put in place to give this work wholeness. The exotic choreography, the infusion of classical ballet and orchestra into the elements of pagan Russia and their folk heritage and the inevitable doom of the virgin makes the work much more compelling to listen to.






Mingus, F. (Oct 25, 2019). Le Sacre du printemps HD Mariinsky 2008. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-3wI3Upvpw



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