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Prepare a position paper on a controversial issue in the news. Explain how the controversial issue has been impacted by the advancement of technology in the media. Select one of the topics addressed in this class: Race in the media, body image, treatment of women in the workplace (including equal pay and online harassment), public trust in the media, and free speech and hate speech.You will want your position paper to outline specifically what the nature of the problem is, and demonstrate critical thinking, sound logic, valid claims, personal passion and credible support that is cited correctly.

Write a three-page paper in which you:

In the introduction, include a quote, question or statistic from your text and an overview of the three major points you will cover.
Introduce your position with a thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph.
Provide three major points to support your thesis statement (put each major point in a separate paragraph).
Wrap up your assignment with a strong conclusion in which you re-state the points you made and supported.
Organize arguments and support your claims effectively.

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