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A submission that reflects a good-faith effort on your part earns a “meets standard” grade (check the Assignment 2 grading rubric). There will be a separate grade for the WordPress component (Part II) of this assignment, that carries 80% of this Assignment total grade.
Resource: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
A company called Crazy Eddie Electronics has come to us in need of help. Crazy Eddie would like to move his business into the 21st century, but he doesn’t know how. He knows he wants to build a website, but he doesn’t know the first thing about how to do this. He has decided to crowdsource this problem to the students of AD648, and he’ll give $1 million USD to the person who can design the best site for Crazy Eddie Electronics.
Eddie has some very particular design specifications that he needs you to follow. They are:

  1. Inside the body of the document, be sure to add the following information:
    a. Crazy Eddie’s store location
    b. Crazy Eddie’s store hours
    c. Crazy Eddie’s store contact information
  2. Crazy Eddie apparently likes pictures, and he has asked that you please include at least three pictures on your site. Include three pictures of electronics items for sale. These pics should be from somewhere on the web.
  3. Crazy Eddie has asked that you include at least six paragraphs on the page that describe items that are sold in his store. Remember, he is a little bit crazy. He wants each of these paragraphs to be written in a separate font, with a separate color, and in a separate size. You do not need to write long paragraphs — one sentence per paragraph is fine. In HTML, paragraphs go between the and tags.
  4. Crazy Eddie has asked that you include at least two lists on the page. These lists can be ordered or unordered.
  5. Crazy Eddie has asked that you include a table on your page. You can use this to describe anything related to his business.
  6. Crazy Eddie is so crazy that he’s guaranteeing that he can be beat the prices of any competitor. He’s so confident that he can beat their prices, he has asked you to include links to three of his competitors somewhere on the site.

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