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Begin by completing the Module 4 Presentation Part I; and making sure you have viewed all videos and read all articles provided in the presentation. In addition, make sure to review the scope of the team project.

In the previous module, your team narrowed in on a philosophy of giving to guide your project, including thinking about how to evaluate the effectiveness of a charity. Now, in this module, you will decide on one charitable organization to focus on for the upcoming modules. Your team’s choice should fit with the philosophy your group chose in Module 3.

Initial Post (Due Wednesday)
By Wednesday night of Module 4, craft an initial post for your group of about 250 words that addresses the following:

Suggest one charitable organization that fits with your group’s chosen philosophy from Module 3, explain why you chose it, and include a link to the organization’s website or a website that provides more information about it and the problem it aims to solve.
How does this organization address effectiveness and overhead? What do they consider “success”?
How does cultural diversity intersect with this organization? You can think about this in a few ways (consider the jumping-off list below but you do not have to address all of these):
Does this organization attempt to rectify an injustice or inequality?
Does it benefit disenfranchised individuals or communities?
Does this organization prioritize perspectives from multiple cultures? Do individuals from many cultures have the opportunity to contribute to your organization?
Are the organization’s leadership/board/advocates diverse?
How might cultural groups that fall on opposing sides of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions view this charity and its benefits?
How does the organization define the idea of “in-group?” How large is its moral circle? How might that impact who does and does not donate?
How does your own cultural background impact your understanding of this organization and its benefits?


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