Provide 3 completed student assessments, one from each of the three contexts presented above, and evaluate their effectiveness in enabling learning and progression for different learners.
kindly choose Quiz, Questionaire and Test for the assessments and the three different learners please choose three different adult learners. 550 words
Subject | Learning methods | Pages | 2 | Style | APA |
Effectiveness of Quizzes, Questionnaire and Tests in Enabling Learning and Progression.
Common assessment types among adult learners are quizzes, questionnaire and tests. Each of these assessments are effective in various respects when it comes to assessing students with different learning needs as described below.
- Quiz
A quiz is one of the most effective tools that educators can use to assess the level of understanding and enable continuous learning of a student with English as the second language. First, quizzes, whether formative or general oral quizzes provide students and their instructors with ongoing feedback that allows them (instructors) identify areas where gaps exist in the learning progress, and consequently take appropriate actions to improve learning and progression. Second, since quizzes are issued at any time throughout the course, for instance after teaching a certain concept, they promote student’s engagement with the learning process, and hence makes teaching process more responsive compared to other assessment that evaluate students in a pass or fail way. Third, quizzes are designed in variety of ways including short answer questions, true or false, yes or no and multiple choice questions, which means they can be effective in assessing students with English as the second language. Moreover, quizzes provide an appropriate means of testing students’ recall, memorization, reasoning and comprehension of new concepts including English vocabulary, and hence can be effective in promoting learning and progression among students.
- Questionnaire
Questionnaire assessments are effective in enabling learning and progression among gifted and talented learners because they provide them with opportunities to express their own thoughts and ideas when answering the assessment questions. Unlike other assessment types such as quizzes, questionnaires often require students to go beyond simply ‘’yes” or “no” responses to questions being asked, and instead explain the basis of their answers. In other words, they allow students to explain in their own words why they think things were done in a certain way or should be done in a different way. This means that questionnaires not only tests a student’s level of understanding, but they also provide opportunities for further learning. For instance, Balani et al. (2015) established in their 2015 research that; “questionnaire based assessments provide teaching effectiveness, specificity and adequacy of knowledge gained by learners” (p. 2). Since talented and gifted learners need more just high scores and grades, allowing them opportunities to express their thoughts and ideas can be effective in enhancing learning and progression.
- Tests
Standardized tests principally seek to evaluate students’ learning abilities and identify gaps in their knowledge. Thus, this type of assessment is effective in enabling learning and progression among adult learners with challenging needs in various ways. First, tests have been found to improve students’ later recall of taught concepts by encouraging students to engage in revision sessions, thereby, helping them remember such concepts both while in school and in their lives after school. Second, tests provide excellent opportunities for students to apply their existing knowledge base to new and challenging circumstances and contexts, which in turn promotes learning and progression. Furthermore, in contrast to other assessment types, tests comprise of open-ended questions as well as long answer questions that provide both students and educators with sufficient feedback regarding the knowledge acquired and areas that need improvement in subsequent learning sessions (Malpass, 2018.
Balani, N., Bachewar, N., & Khan, Z. (2015). Questionnaire based assessment of teaching effectiveness during a lecture series on pharmacotherapeutics. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 3(4), 940. doi:10.5455/2320-6012.ijrms20150424.
Malpass, D. (2018). Do tests help you learn? Retrieved June 15, 2019, from https://cerp.aqa.org.uk/blog/do-tests-help-you-learn
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