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The works we’ve read so far in Unit One have been both difficult to understand and hard to relate to. We don’t typically go on sea voyages anymore, or gather in mead-halls, or hide away from humans in forests. But it would be a mistake to assume that you can’t relate to Old and Medieval English literature. All of these works also demonstrate universal themes and deal with emotions and experiences we recognize today: the loss of a home or a way of life, the need to stand up to evil, the need for community, and taking long, life-changing journeys.

Choose one of the prompts below and develop a two-page (400-500 word) response that links thematically and updates one of the classics we’ve read. You do not have to discuss the classic text since each prompt is already thematically linked to the classic. For example, when you write about loss (Prompt #1), you’re connecting to the feeling of loss explored in The Wife’s Lament. If you write about the coffee house (Prompt #2), you’re addressing the themes of friendship and camaraderie found in Beowulf, and Prompt #3 deals with a time you felt alone or misunderstood as seen in Grendel. A good rule of thumb is to fully address the prompt as it’s worded.
This is an informal writing assignment, so feel free to get creative and have fun with this assignment, or to get personal and expressive. You are welcome to use first person (I and we) and to write this in any form you choose — poem, short short, letter to the editor, journal entry, blog post, newspaper article, or even a series of Facebook status or Twitter updates — as long as your writing meets the minimum word count. Feel free to add pictures if you’d like, and you can use whatever font you want (as long as I can read it!). This can be nonfiction or fiction, but remember to include descriptive elements: figurative language, interesting adjectives, and vivid verbs.

Have you ever lost something that was really important to you? How did you feel about it? Did other people understand what you were going through, or did you constantly have to explain yourself? Have you ever moved? Did you miss your old home? Write a lament for something that you have lost. It could be something serious, like the death of a loved one or a move that was hard to adjust to, or it could be something not-as-serious, like the loss of a favorite childhood toy.

You are trying to open up a restaurant / coffee shop that will become a social gathering place for your friends and peers. You want this place to be really cool — but also a place where people can relax and get comfortable. What kind of establishment will you open? How will you get people in the doors? What will they do once they get there? How will you keep them there for long periods of time and keep them coming back? Write a description or story of your ideal social meeting place.
Have you ever felt alone or misunderstood? Perhaps there was a time when you knew the truth about a situation or person, but you really wanted to believe another reality– even if it wasn’t the truth? Write about this time, person, or situation. Remember to include elements of description. This doesn’t have to be based on a real-life situation; it can be fiction.




Subject Article Analysis Pages 7 Style APA


Article Review

Article Reviewed: Algahtani, A. (2014). Are leadership and management different? A review. Journal of management policies and practices, 2(3), 71-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jmpp.v2n3a4

Dr. Ali Algahtani’s article, Are Leadership and Management Different? A Review seeks to determine whether leadership and management are different. Reading through the abstract and the title of the article, it is easy to note that the article will describe the differences and similarities of the roles conducted by managers and leaders. According to the author’s abstract, the article’s findings indicate that leadership and management are two extremely distinct functions (Algahtani, 2014). Nevertheless, leadership and management have various similarities when it comes to the duties conducted, including working with individuals and influencing others to achieve objectives (Leroy et al., 2018). The author indicates that management skills are used to plan, build and direct organizational systems to accomplish missions and objectives. In contrast, leadership skills are used to focus on a potential change by establishing direction, aligning individuals, and motivating and inspiring others.


According to Algahtani’s article, people often assume that all managers are leaders. However, this is not always the case, given that some managers do not exercise leadership and some individuals lead without having any management positions (Leroy et al., 2018). Algahtani uses different reliable articles to understand the differences and similarities between managers and leaders. The article indicates that managers often center on formal controlling and directing their assistants, resources, structures, and systems. He emphasizes that managers aim to achieve short-term goals, prevent risks and develop standardization to enhance efficacy.

 According to the article, managers depend upon three special abilities. These include technical, human, and conceptual skills (Algahtani, 2014). Technical abilities refer to proficiency in a specific form of work. This can include competencies within a specialized field or the ability to use appropriate tools and approaches. Human skills refer to the ability to use work with individuals, which permits the manager to assist group members complete a task. Conceptual skills refer to working with ideas (Hallinger, 2020). The article emphasizes that an effective manager should have specific qualities, including enhanced communication, organizational, negotiation, and delegation skills.

Algahtani’s article describes leaders as individuals who often center on motivation and inspiration. According to the article, leaders aim to develop a passion for accompanying their vision, achieving long-term objectives, taking risks to complete common goals, and challenging their current status quo (Leroy et al., 2018). The article advocates that a leader keeps an open eye on his/her staff’s benefits. This indicates that people follow the leader willingly, and the leader guides them by using a transformational approach (Algahtani, 2014). According to the article, leaders should have vision, integrity, toughness, decisiveness, trust, commitment, creativity, selfness, communication abilities, and visibility. The article aims to examine both leadership and management and identify whether they differ or are the same.

Research question

The article’s research question is; what is the difference between leadership and management?. The article addresses and compares fundamental definitions of leadership and management based on this question. It centers on the manager and the leader’s specific types of skills. Moreover, it identifies the similarities and differences in managers’ and leaders’ roles.


How the study was conducted

An extensive literature search was conducted using electronic databases. These included EBSCO, EMBASE, and Google Scholar. The study aimed to identify and locate all previous articles which discuss the differences between leadership and management.

Study’s Research design

The study used the Literature Review design (Secondary data analysis) and the systematic review design. This design centers on identifying and reviewing scholarly articles that present the current knowledge, including substantive findings and theoretical and methodological contributions to a significant topic.

Material Used in Study

Researchers can use reference materials such as almanacs, encyclopedias, or dictionaries for reliable facts. Alghanti’s article utilized online databases of academic journals, peer-reviewed journal articles. These articles are written by researchers and scholars with the same objective of understanding management and leadership.

Procedures of conducting research

The search identified 231,000 articles about leadership and management. A total of 25,000 articles remained after eliminating those duplicated on Google Scholar and across other databases.

Dependent and Independent Variables

The study’s dependent variables are the manager’s and leaders’ scores. The independent variables are the roles played by leaders and managers. According to the article, managers have both similarities and differences in their roles in an organization.


Data Analysis

Among 25 000 articles, 200 were selected since they addressed the same topic about management and leadership. 37 articles were approved for review since they were original peer-reviewed articles.

Study results

After reviewing a series of articles, most of the authors attempted to identify the difference by comparing management and leadership in definition and skills. Moreover, the study identified that the leaders and the managers need various skills.


The study indicated that managers and leaders have both similar and different roles. However, according to the study, not all managers are leaders. The author emphasizes that managers are obliged to also have leadership qualities, given that they enhance interactions with the employees.


Information presented in the articles is useful in various aspects due to different reasons. For instance, if an organization has strong leadership and management, there will be optimal effectiveness. In these modern times, individuals and organizations necessitate leaders to cope with new challenges and transform to achieve a competitive advantage. Moreover, the organization needs managers to maintain a smooth operation and use resources. Therefore, the article’s information is useful since it provides all the skills and roles relating to managers and leaders.






Algahtani, A. (2014). Are leadership and management different? A review. Journal of management policies and practices, 2(3), 71-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jmpp.v2n3a4

Hallinger, P. (2020). Science mapping the knowledge base on educational leadership and management from the emerging regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1965–2018. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(2), 209-230. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1741143218822772

Leroy, H., Segers, J., Van Dierendonck, D., & Den Hartog, D. (2018). Managing people in organizations: Integrating the study of HRM and leadership. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053482218300883


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