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    Provide examples of experimental and nonexperimental research design. Contrast the levels of control applied to each.


Subject Research Analysis Pages 2 Style APA



Experimental and Nonexperimental Research Design

Experimental research design refers to quantitative research design that involves manipulation of variables and random assignments to derive the phenomenon’s causality. The method thus uses scientific approaches in the manipulation of variables and measuring the subsequent effect on the subject (Ross, 2019). Therefore, its primary application is when the research aims to determine cause-and-effect relationships. Its three main types include quasi-experimental, pre-experimental, and true experimental research. In contrast, non-experimental research refers to the quantitative nature of research that does not involve manipulation of control or independent variables. Therefore, in this research design, the researchers measure the variables naturally without manipulation (Ross, 2019). In most cases, it is relevant where the research has no particular research questions that demand causality between different variables. The non-experimental design has three main types, including correlation research, cross-sectional research, and observational research.  

These research design methods also have significant differences in terms of the levels of controls. For instance, experimental research design has stringent control standards that are essential for establishing the research validity. Besides, it is also labor and resource-intensive with its justification depending on the generalizability of the results, which takes place in a rigorous and controlled setting (Steiner & Wong, 2018). On the other hand, non-experimental research design is not very strict since it is descriptive in most cases. This means that it entails developing a description of the relationships between two or more variables, which does not require the researcher’s interference. Therefore, experimental has more control compared to non-experimental research design, but both help in getting reliable results. Nonetheless, when deciding on the method to use, the topic, desired goal, and available resources should be useful in making such a decision.


Ross, A. S. (2019). Experimental and nonexperimental designs in social psychology. Routledge.

Steiner, P. M., & Wong, V. C. (2018). Assessing correspondence between experimental and nonexperimental estimates in within-study comparisons. Evaluation review, 42(2), 214-247.










Appendix A:

Communication Plan for an Inpatient Unit to Evaluate the Impact of Transformational Leadership Style Compared to Other Leader Styles such as Bureaucratic and Laissez-Faire Leadership in Nurse Engagement, Retention, and Team Member Satisfaction Over the Course of One Year

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