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1. For “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Little Red Cap,” which story has a better ending? Why?
2. Think about how the female characters are portrayed in one of the stories we read. Is this a positive or negative portrayal?
3. Think about how the male characters are portrayed in one of the stories we read. Is this a positive or negative portrayal?
4. What is the message in “The Ugly Duckling?” Why is this message important?
5. If there is something else you would like to write about in “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Little Red Cap,” “Hansel and Gretel,” or “The Ugly Duckling,” check with me first.
Some guidelines to consider:
● Make sure your essay has a thesis in the introduction (last sentence).
● Make sure your essay connects to/supports your thesis. Provide at least 3 quotes from the text for support. Make sure you follow MLA in-text citation (with quotation marks, a signal phrase, and page numbers).
● Analyze the quotes you have selected — show how/why they support/connect to your thesis.
● Avoid plot summary. I have read the stories. Essays that contain mostly plot summary will receive a lower grade. Analyze – don’t describe!
● Make sure your essay is organized. Take time to plan your essay before you start writing.
● Make sure the language is solid. Your writing needs to be clear and free of grammar mistakes. Take time to proofread your essay.
● The essay must be at least 600 words; include a word count at the end. Essays must have 12-point font, one-inch margins, and be double-spaced. The essay is due Tuesday September 27th by 5:00pm. Post it in Google classroom.
● Use the format below for the first page:
Your Name
Instructor’s Name
Title of Your Essay

Indent and Begin your essay.

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