Forum #2
Thread Requirements
In order to complete your thread, be sure that you carefully read the prompt and that you have completed all of the related reading. Your thread must be 300–400 words, addressing the questions or topic provided.
Reply Requirements
You are required to reply to 3 of your classmates’ threads. Read all of your classmates’ threads and post a 200–250-word reply to 3 classmates. The purpose of the replies is to provide an opportunity for you to thoughtfully and actively interact with your classmates. Therefore, statements like “Good thread” or “I agree” will not count as replies.
This is the thread I need to reply to: (I need 300 words at least but there isn’t a way to order this specifically)
Forum #2
Scripture’s designation of Christians as slaves of Christ influences the way in which we seek to lead others by correctly setting our humble place as His child. The word slave has such a negative connotation, rightly so, but when referencing God, it is a privilege to be a slave to God. Just as we are honored to be children of the one true God, we are honored to be the leader of others as we have been placed in these roles. We seek to lead others in the most humble and kindest way possible. This mean we see those we lead as image bearers like God sees us and we treat them accordingly. Not selfishly wielding our power around, but always looking out for the person we lead. How can we teach them? How can we shape them as employees and also as believers? How do our words to them matter? How are we training them to respond to the next generation? When we put ourselves completely at His mercy, seeking Him above all else, this influences how we treat others. I have not figured how this posture could be separated in our professional lives, like some believe. It seems we either believe we are second and treat our employees accordingly or we have not fully submitted under His authority, leaving ourselves open to falling under the traps of pride. This seems like a slippery slope that leaves us open to so many spiritual attacks. God is the archetype we follow for leadership. He gives us grace when we do not deserve it. He disciplines us when we need it. He provides for us when we are in need. He goes before us to make a way. He sacrifices himself for the sake of others. He teaches us to give us wisdom and guidance. And he never gives up on us. I cannot think of a better leader to serve or to follow in the way I lead others.
Subject | Religion | Pages | 3 | Style | APA |
I agree with the information regarding the effective scripture designation measures of the Christians being recognized as slaves. In this case, I agree with the information that the applications of the slavery character act as a critical barrier towards the success of an economy. I agree with the statement that the specific word slave tends to portray a negative connation naturally immensely. Still, through critical referencing tactics to God’s deeds, humans need to be the slaves of the Lord. I agree that by agreeing to be God’s child as a human being, we tend to immensely gain those specific ideas of being honored as the leaders. I conquer with the information that we usually seek to lead other individuals kindliest and humbly possible. I agree that the individuals we tend to lead mostly as sufficient image bearers like God tend to see us provides an adequate room for treating us accordingly. Therefore, as leaders, we need to focus on the specific individuals intend on specific individuals we intend to lead.
However, I agree with the statement that there is a need for immensely focusing on the best criteria of the successful leading among the individuals aiming at success. I agree that we are always focused on the specific person that we tend to lead to learning his/her character and sourcing the best measures possible to lead them. I conquer with the critical information of asking different questions toward leading, like how they usually teach specified individuals and the appropriate method for shaping individuals as employees and as believers. I agree with the importance of mainly focusing on our words towards success and progress in Christianity. I agree on the critical importance of figuring the persuasive pictures associated with the separation measures strictly of our professional lives. I agree with the statement of effectively treating our employees reasonably. Therefore, I agree that God is usually the compelling archetype that we follow toward leadership measures.
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