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Write an analytical research paper that includes quantitative data assessment & library research of a specific type of geological phenomenon that affects urban areas. Phenomenon may include soils, mass wasting, subsidence, sinkholes, earthquakes, or volcanoes, and the topic of your paper will necessarily be narrowed down from these themes. Acquire raw data from a data source that you then process and analyze yourself. An easy way to do this is to run correlation testing between 2 variables. For example, is there a correlation between earthquake magnitude and economic losses? Your evaluation should be well conceived, designed, executed, and ultimately analyzed to reach a conclusion. This may require some creative problem solving, i.e. in the above example you might need to covert economic losses to a specific currency and normalize for inflation. Create at least 1 data visualization yourself, i.e. a table, graph or chart, that will be properly inserted & cited in your submission – to do this effectively will require working with raw data, not previously processed and visualized data.




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