Analyze a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education or management need (PO #1).
Population and Setting
Describe a target population and setting in which an identified need will be addressed (PO #4).
Intervention Overview
Explain an overview of one or more interventions that would help address an identified need within a target population and setting (PO #3).
Comparison of Approaches
Analyze potential interprofessional alternatives to an initial intervention with regard to their possibilities to meet the needs of the project, population, and setting. (PO #5).
Initial Outcome Draft
Define an outcome that identifies the purpose and intended accomplishments of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education or management need (PO #4).
Time Estimate
Propose a rough time frame for the development and implementation of an intervention to address and identified need (PO #1).
Part 2: Literature Review
Analyze current evidence to validate an identified need and its appropriateness within the target population and setting (PO #2).
Evaluate and synthesize resources from diverse sources illustrating existing health policy that could impact the approach taken to address an identified need (PO #7).