Historian Jules Prown defines material culture as “the study through artifacts of the beliefs — values, ideas, attitudes, and assumptions — of a particular
community or society at a given time.” Using material culture can be a powerful way to bring history to life, to awaken interest in exploring the past, and to
discover connections between the past and the present. Material culture can illuminate nuances of social, political, and cultural history, tell untold stories,
and offer insights into the experience of ordinary people whose lives are not otherwise documented.
Using material culture, with or without standard (written) primary-source documents offers an exciting new window into the past.
For this assignment I want you to watch the following video:
Second, I want you to observe and write down everything you see regarding the object for three minutes:
Time yourself. Then free-write your interpretations of your observations for another three minutes. What do you think the object meant to Andrew Jackson?
What do you think it was used for? How do you think others who encountered Jackson interpreted this object?