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    1. Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen




      • Describe and explain a clear distinction between “globalism” and “globalization” after viewing the video and reading the article.
      • Describe how being a global citizen in the world of advanced technology can be beneficial to your success in meeting your personal, academic, and professional goals.
      • Explain why there has been disagreement between theorists about the definition of global citizenship and develop your own definition of global citizenship after reading the article by Reysen and Katzarska-Miller.
      • Choose two of the six outcomes of global citizenship from the article (i.e., intergroup empathy, valuing diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, intergroup helping, and the level of responsibility to act for the betterment of this world).
        • Explain why those two outcomes are the most important in becoming a global citizen compared to the others.
      • Describe at least two personal examples or events in your life that illustrate the development of global citizenship based on the two outcomes you chose.
      • Identify two specific general education courses.
        • Explain how each course influenced you to become a global citizen.





Subject Law and governance Pages 5 Style APA



Increased globalization coupled with advancements in technology has not only resulted in increased trade around the world but also in the creation of global citizens. In specific, people have gained new rights and civic responsibilities which come with them not belonging to their individual countries and places but also being members of the world (Reysen & Katzarska-Miller, 2013). Being aware of and understanding the wider world enables people to recognize the aspects of life’s interconnectedness and associated diversity of cultures and human rights and thus ensures that individuals operate as members of humanity as opposed to single nationalities. This essay seeks to describe the importance of global citizenship.

Although some people have misconstrued globalism and globalization to be two similar concepts, various differences exist between the two. According to Reysen & Katzarska-Miller (2013), globalism is a concept which describes the world and the manner in which it is populated with a network of connections which transcend national boundaries. However, globalization has been defined differently by different people. Whereas some view it as delocalization which entails the expansion of multinationals across the globe, others opine that globalization is the ruthless exploitation of the poor by corporations (Stucke et al., 2009). As such, the distinction between the two is that whereas globalism seeks to understand the various interconnections present in the modern world, globalization is the increase or decrease on globalism levels.

Personally, becoming a global citizen; especially in this world of advanced technology, can be instrumental to my success and in meeting my personal, academic, and professional goals. In specific, by being a global citizen, I can meet my personal goals of being a member of the world and understanding different cultures. Academically, I can learn about the skills required to operate in different business environments and cultures. However, at a professional level, becoming a global citizen is beneficial to ensure that I can work in any part of the world and thus apply my skills in different cultures.

Theorists have disagreed about the correct definition of global citizenship because there has been a use of terms which seem synonymous in the description of a global identity viewed as superordinate. In addition, the different theorists have been influenced by their disciplinary perspectives and thus have defined the construct based on their disciplines. Based on the Reysen and Katzarska-Miller (2013) article I would define global citizenship as being an all-around citizen because of the being aware and sensitive to the cultures and identities of different countries and this promoting both social justice and human rights.

                Valuing diversity and social justice are the two most vital outcomes in becoming a global citizen compared to others because of their presence in almost all global citizens. In specific, one of the most common products of becoming a global citizen is valuing diversity. More specifically, when individuals relate and interconnect across an international context, they not only become aware of but also value the cultures of others (Blake et al., 2015). As a result, they begin to work towards the attainment of social justice. For instance, those who find a violation of some rights or discrimination in other cultures will initiate mechanisms to ensure the promotion of social justice.

                Personally, various examples in my life illustrate the development of global citizenship based on the outcomes of valuing diversity and social justice. One of those is that when I have interacted with people from other countries and cultures, I have come to understand that cultures are different and thus appreciate the importance of diversity. Additionally, based on the observation of different cultures, I have advocated for social justice for women especially in cultures where they are discriminated against and viewed as lesser than men. Additionally, being a global citizen has enabled me to use the lessons I have learned to promote social justice and change in my community.

                The two general education courses of developing critical and analytic thinking skills and acceptance of cultural diversity in the society have influenced me to become a global citizen. In specific I have learned that critical thinking and analytical skills are not universal and are applied differently in different cultures (Blake et al., 2015). As such, they have made me study the course from different contexts and cultures which has transformed me into a global citizen. Additionally, the course on acceptance of cultural diversity in society has influenced me to become a global citizen by studying cultures of different people and appreciating and valuing them.

In conclusion, becoming a global citizen enables individuals to not only become aware of different contexts and cultures but also value diversity and become agents of change and promoters of social justice. Although globalism is the interconnectedness of the world beyond national boundaries, globalization involves delocalization and expansion of companies as well as the exploitation of individuals by multinational corporations. Theorists have failed to agree on the definition of global citizenship because they are influenced by their disciplines. However, valuing diversity and social justice

 are the two most vital outcomes of global citizenship as people learn about different cultures and take actions to promote social justice for the discriminated in society.


Blake, M. E., Pierce, L., Gibson, S., Reysen, S., & Katzarska-Miller, I. (2015). University environment and global citizenship identification. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology5(1), 97.

Reysen, S., & Katzarska-Miller, I. (2013). A model of global citizenship: Antecedents and outcomes. International Journal of Psychology48(5), 858-870.

Stucke, K. et al. (2009). Globalization at a crossroads. New York, N.Y: Films Media Group. Retrieved from https://fod.infobase.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?token=39350&wID=100753&plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=480&fWidth=660&fHeight=530




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