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    the class is a research method in social work/ master of social work. please read the assignment carefully thank you 

    Assignment I: Integrating Research and Practice 

    Students will examine their roles as research-practitioners and consumers. 
    This assignment will focus on the following aspects: 

    -The importance of becoming a research-practitioner 
    – The importance of becoming a research consumer
    – The benefits of research-informed practice and practice-informed research.

    For this paper you need to select a problem from your practice experience. You will then develop a plan of how to use research to enhance your knowledge of the specific problem. For example: A student has difficulty managing a high caseload. In order to address their problem the student will research how social workers addressed the problem. By using current research (reading research reports, journal articles or conference proceedings) the study is able to come up with a solution to the problem. 
    Paper needs to be 4-5 pages in length. Students will also need to be prepared to discuss the assignment in class within the context of a small group and also to present a brief outline of the study and the findings. APA 6th edition style 4-5 typed pages Double spacing, 12 point font 5 references related to the problem identified from practice experience

    any problem cover social work or health care


Subject Research Analysis Pages 5 Style APA


Integrating Research and Practice

Social work practitioners are required to use holistic approaches in the provision of social work services. It has becoming increasingly important that social work practice is guided and pegged on scientific research and evidence. As such, social work practitioners should be able to integrate their formal academic knowledge within their fieldwork practice and embed it to ensure an effective resolution of problems that they face (Engel & Schutt, 2016). Using research, practitioners can evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions and even develop new policies and programs that may lead to better practice. This paper provides a discussion of a problem faced in social work practice and how research is used to establish the solution to the problem.

Problem from Practice Experience

One of the problems from my practice experience is that of ethical dilemmas. In specific, I might encounter a situation where two or more professional values are in conflict. More specifically, the issue of receiving gits might present issues to do with ethics because some of my clients; who I provide assistance to, might wish to reciprocate by gifts. Although the receipt of such a gift is a sign of good gesture, it can also present some ethical problems. If I receive a gift that may seem expensive, then there is possibility of a breach of integrity. However, saying no to such a gesture may also hurt the feelings of the client and hence damage the otherwise good relationship that existed (Wood & Tarrier, 2010). However, if a gift is expensive or handmade, it has always been considered appropriate to accept. This issue puts me in a confusion as to whether to accept the gift and massage the feelings of the client or reject it to uphold professional integrity while at the same time hurting the client’s feelings. However, the resolution of such a problem can be found in research.

Use of Research to Enhance Knowledge of The Specific Problem

The resolution to the ethical dilemma experienced in social work practice can be addressed through research. Specifically, research will enhance the knowledge of the practtitoner on the specific issue in question and thus equip them to effectively deal with the dilemma. However, a research that can be relied upon should be of high quality and reliable (Engel & Schutt, 2016). The use of research; in this case, would be to evaluate the various alternatives that exists for the resolution of such a dilemma. Through scholarly articles as well as professional codes of conduct, the practitioner; in this case, can identify the best resolution to such a problem. Additionally, research will lead to the development of knew knowledge and policies that can be relied upon (Wood & Tarrier, 2010). Through the scholarship efforts disseminated in books, journal articles, and other writings, a wide array of information can be gathered which when relied upon can lead to the best evidence solution to the problem.

Solution of The Problem from Research

Research holds that that the manner in which the ethical issue related to gifts is to be handled is based on the value of the gifts. For instance, Reamer (2013) recommends that if the girt is of minimal value and emotional significance, then social workers can keep them. However, according to Brown and Trangsrud (2018), such a solution is only applicable if the process of the grant of the gifts does not imply any ulterior motives and when such an action does not lead to egregious boundary violations. When the gift in question is one that can be shared among staffers, then the social worker can keep the gift (Blanco & Sheely‐Moore, 2012). However, the social worker; if working for a particular agency, must then thank the client on behalf of the agency. Reamer (2015) is adamant that the transaction between the social worker and the client should be depersonalized to help avoid crossing the boundary between the professional and the personal.

In the case of expensive gifts, social workers should always decline them because of the potential symbolic implications that they may make. Additionally, the social worker should always notice any red flags and anything considered to be out of the ordinary about the gift should be documented and explored. Reamer (2013) adds that if the gift is based on a quid pro quo (a return of a gift or favor), then such a gift should be declined but in a respectful manner. Moreover, according to Wood and Tarrier (2010); Reamer (2015), if the social worker is concerned about a gift, he/she should always consult with colleagues and supervisors when feasible and consider the ethical implications of accepting or not rejecting it. Additionally, the clients motives in giving the gift should be discerned and any ulterior motives should automictically lead to the social worker declining the gift (Brown & Trangsrud, 2018). Undertaking such measures can ensure that the social work handles the situation very well and uphold professional integrity.

Benefits of Research-Informed Practice and Practice-Informed Research.

            A research informed-practice and practice-informed research encourages a student to be reflective and open-minded in their research and practice. Notably, practice informed by research is more effective because the social work practitioners have a heightened knowledge about the approaches that they can use and hence make practice more engaging (Grinnell Jr & Unrau, 2010). For instance, research has led to the resolution of ethical issue about accepting or rejecting gifts in social work. Additionally, the practitioners confidence is improved from the implementation of new approaches based on research. Being informed about the current research in different issues can lead to the improvement of client outcomes because the interventions provided are based on the best available evidence (Wood & Tarrier, 2010). Practice-informed research, on the other hand, would be key to ensuring that the research conducted is informed by practice. Specifically practice experience in social work can be used as the basis for scientific inquiry.

In conclusion, the integration of both research and practice can lead to an enhancement of a practitioner’s knowledge about specific issues and hence the adoption of effective approaches in practice. One of the problems based on practice experience is dealing with the ethical dilemma presented by the client giving me expensive gifts as a token of appreciation for my help. Although receiving such a gift is a sign of respect to the client, it may a be a breach of professional integrity, especially when the gift is expensive. However, research has demonstrated the solution to such an issue is establishing the motive behind the gift and respectfully declining expensive gifts that are given on quid pro quo basis. Both research-informed practice and practice-informed research can lead to better client outcomes and also better scientific inquiry.


Blanco, P. J., & Sheely‐Moore, A. I. (2012). Gift Giving and Receiving in Child‐Centered Play Therapy: An Ethical Response. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling51(1), 66-77.

Brown, C., & Trangsrud, H. B. (2018). Factors Associated with Acceptance and Decline of Client Gift Giving. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice39(5), 505.

Engel, R. J., & Schutt, R. K. (2016). The Practice of Research in Social Work. Sage Publications.

Grinnell Jr, R. M., & Unrau, Y. A. (2010). Social Work Research and Evaluation: Foundations of Evidence-Based Practice. Oxford University Press.

Reamer, F. G. (2013). Eye on Ethics: ‘Tis the Season: Managing Client Gifts. Social Work Today. https://www.socialworktoday.com/news/eoe_121913.shtml

Reamer, F. G. (2013). Social Work Values and Ethics. Columbia University Press.

Reamer, F. G. (2015). 18 Ethical Issues in Social Work. Social Workers’ Desk Reference, 143.

Wood, A. M., & Tarrier, N. (2010). Positive Clinical Psychology: A New Vision and Strategy for Integrated Research and Practice. Clinical Psychology Review30(7), 819-829.








Appendix A:

Communication Plan for an Inpatient Unit to Evaluate the Impact of Transformational Leadership Style Compared to Other Leader Styles such as Bureaucratic and Laissez-Faire Leadership in Nurse Engagement, Retention, and Team Member Satisfaction Over the Course of One Year

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