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Analyze the key management skills discussed in Chapter 14 to determine which you believe are the most important for successful hospitality and tourism managers to possess. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Sample Solution


The key management skills discussed in Chapter 14 are communication, delegation, problem-solving and decision-making, leadership, and team building. All of these skills are important for any successful hospitality and tourism manager to possess in order to be effective. However, I believe that the most important skill is communication. Communication is essential for managers to convey their plans and strategies to their staffs while also listening to feedback from employees as well as guests or customers in order to provide the best service possible.

Sample Solution


The key management skills discussed in Chapter 14 are communication, delegation, problem-solving and decision-making, leadership, and team building. All of these skills are important for any successful hospitality and tourism manager to possess in order to be effective. However, I believe that the most important skill is communication. Communication is essential for managers to convey their plans and strategies to their staffs while also listening to feedback from employees as well as guests or customers in order to provide the best service possible.

cognitive skills. The cognitive skills that are getting improved by playing with legos are fine motor skills and math skills (Sri). Legos come in a vast range of shapes and sizes, which can lead to twisting and turning a child’s hands, fingers, and arms. This promotes coordination and dexterity which are needed for children for crafts, handwriting, and dressing themselves. Legos also help in a child’s math skills because children need to learn how to add, subtract, multiply, or divide how many pieces they need for their creation. A study has been done to see if Legos actually increase cognitive development. There were two groups of kids and one group was able to play with legos for a month and the other group was not able to play with Legos. After the month, the kids were put through a series of tests to see how well their fine motor skills developed. Through the study, it was seen that the kids, who played with Legos for a month, had a significant increase on their cognitive development. Second, Legos are able to strengthen a child’s emotional skills. Legos are able to help aid in a child’s emotional development by giving them a sense of accomplishment and to teach them persistence. With the sense of accomplishment, children are able to feel a sense of pride after they create something, which can lead to an increase in self-confidence. Legos are able to teach children persistence because Legos are small, which can lead to mistakes. This allows the children learn to cope with the frustration of mistakes and to keep on building until they get it right. Lastly, Legos can help in social skills by cooperating with peers. Children can cooperate with peers to build something together.



Legos have also been able to serve as a foundation for future careers. They can serve as a foundation because children that have played with Legos are already exposed to skills needed in future careers. By developing a child’s math skills and ability to follow intricate directions, this has allowed for future engineers and architects to flourish in their fields. An example would be how a woman’s daughter has been able to use her past experiences with Legos to be able to use them in her job being an architect. She was able to recall past designs she made with Legos and implemented them in the buildings she designs now(Cooke). Legos have also aided people in art careers. Legos help children explore their creativity by being built into whatever they can imagine. There are now artists that focus on mainly using Legos to create pieces of art.

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