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 Week 2 Assignment  

Write a short critique of each piece in Music and Humanity. Include how it relates to the heading that might be there (ex. Society, Culture, Protest, etc.), and what you think of the piece generally.

MUSC 130 Music and Humanity 

Why we listen to music (It’s not just about entertainment)


Music: “The Art of Manipulating Sound in Time.”


Birds chirping…is this music? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMWeQWGla0Y&t=378s&ab_channel=Relax24


TED Greek Music  www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1aAunaw1GA


The Islamic Call To Prayer is sacred chant and not considered music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0_vnon5owE


John Cage’s piece 4’33’’ (4 minutes and 33 seconds in three movements) is a copyrighted piece of music (please watch the whole thing. It’s less than 5 minutes.)  www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh-o3udImy8


What we consider music has a pretty big point spread. We listen to music for a lot of different reasons. Here are some:


Meaning in Music

  • Music comes into existence at the intersection of sound and culture. Meaning is the glue that binds them, and sounds don’t come to be perceived as music until meaning is attached to them.

From Mussorgsky’s Great Gate of Kiev from Pictures at an Exhibition. It’s a powerful piece of music but do you know what it represents? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8gs4TozJbQ


From the Chinese Opera. Do you know what’s going on?



Identity in Music

  • Identity: people’s ideas about who they are and what unites them with or distinguishes them from other people and entities (individuals, families, communities, institutions, cultures, societies, nations, supernatural powers) Who am “I” and Who are “we”.

Lizzo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK7oze-nu38&ab_channel=LizzoMusic



Levels of Identity


  • The Individual in Music

             People make music.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD5ZMNtCqRw (Chopin)


Or do we? Daddy’s Car: a song composed by AI (Artificial Intelligence)



  • Society: a group of persons regarded as forming a single community.

Social institutions, social organization

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ekOXs1-7k (Sam Cooke sing R&B)


  • Cultures Defined mainly by a collective worldview shared by its members: rooted in ideas, beliefs, and practices that under-score social organization: religions, ideologies, philosophies, sciences, artistic creations, ritual performances.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaSmjdWEK9E (Sam Cooke sings Gospel)

Gospel is sacred while R&B, some consider, sinful. They sound the same but with different intent.


Call to Prayer influence on Blues https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpky6JjeKTc

(A society may progress while a culture stagnates)


  • Nationalism: How music can connect politically
  • Star Spangles Banner

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_lCmBvYMRs (Whitney Houston)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKAwPA14Ni4&t=26s (Jimi Hendrix)


            Flipside: music of resistance, protest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWwgrjjIMXA&list=RDQqvUz0HrNKY (Bob Dylan)


  • Diasporas/Transnational Communities
    • Diaspora: international network of communities linked together by identification with a common ancestral homeland and culture. (i.e. like Jews, African Americans, Armenians)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tlAudGPXG8 (Internationally recognized Hebrew song)


    • Virtual communities. (On-line music. 6,000 people who have never met were involved with this piece)



Spirituality and Transcendence in Music

  • Music key in worship, religious ritual, expression of faith.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27ol_QffDhE Chant


  • Transcendence:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fth9UUa1Mfw&list=PL321069F89FB20D8C (Coltrane)


Communal solidarity: music bringing people together in unified, communal expression of faith www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftx-0fOMlTQ (We shall Overcome)



Music and Dance

  • Dance and music that accompanies it is a lens through which to view social celebration, communal solidarity, physical expression of culture, performance of identity…and fertility

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amO1sDZlrkI (Salsa)


  • Dance also potentially revealing, often in troubling ways, how people treat and classify each other issues of gender, race, and ethnicity.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37pwbUp8t1I (Break Dance)




Subject Music Pages 5 Style APA


Music and Humanities

Music is one of the cultural elements in any given society. Typically, music is used to communicate a particular message including love, political, traditions and patriotism among others. This document critiques a number of songs from a cultural lens. John Cage’s music piece 4’33’’ is one of its kind where the singers sit down for 4 minutes and 33 seconds without making sounds as in normal situations. However, the music entails at least three different movements including the pitching and direction by the conductor, a change of movement accompanied by some coughs from the singers and the final move where the conductor marks the end of the song and all leaves the stage without making harmonic or use of their instruments despite having them on the stage. This piece demonstrates that people can be very keen to listen to any form of sound from the performers. However, the deliberate design to come with different instruments and not use either of them can make the people murmur or have a meditation time.

            Another song that attracts critique is the Sam Cooke’s “You Send Me.” This song clearly connects to the society and its social institutions. The song focuses on the society’s institution of marriage and love. In this song, Sam Cooke demonstrates that people in the society will continually make love and that they may show their intimacy through love songs. For instance, Cooke recognizes that his daring feels him and they will be on each other’s side. One of the important aspect in this song is the kind of costumes the singer uses and the tone. The song is indeed soothing and that the singer’s costumes would attract the lover or the target audience.  Besides, the song connects to the culture in terms of how men would treat their lovers with love.

            Whitney Houston sings the “Star Spangles Banner” and this clearly shows that music can effectively demonstrate one’s nationalism. While singing the anthem, Houston invites the audience through deeply orchestrated moves and pitch at the podium. Besides, the singer shows clear connection with the nationhood that every national would wish to have. Unlike Houston, Jimi Hendrix plays the national anthem just by using the instruments. Culturally, instruments are highly valued and the audience often pay attention to their sounds. Although Hendrix’s instruments are not very well organized to bring out nationalism in the song, the audience can clearly identify the song and become part of the performance. Nationalism is where individuals portray their identity and love for their country. National anthem unites the people of a given country and reminds them of their common values.

            Songs are also useful for communal solidarity as demonstrated by Maria Fidelis’ performance of “we shall overcome.” In this song, fidelis puts on a face that gives hope despite the tribulations or different kinds of challenges in life. Most of the communities may sing this song during the burial rights or when faced by a very challenging event like long-term illnesses. The purpose of the song is to let the challenged person understand that the society is united with them and that there is hope at the end of the challenge. The tone in this song effectively connects to the intended meaning and purpose.

            Other songs are sung to show protest or resistance. A good example of these kinds of songs is Bob Dylan’s “Blowing in the Wind.” Dylan sung this song when the united states was facing a lot of protests and resistance against racial discrimination. The song has clear message that there should be a change in the way different societies treat others. He wonders about the amount of time it must take to initiate change. The best bit of the song is it’s pitch and blending of the instruments and the voice. Dylan shows how he can invite people to protest mistreatments and unite for a change.









Fidelis, M. (2014). WE SHALL OVERCOME-MARIA FIDELIS GOSPEL CHOIR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftx-0fOMlTQ

Cage, J.  4’33’’. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh-o3udImy8

Dylan, B. (1963). Blowing in the Wind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWwgrjjIMXA&list=RDQqvUz0HrNKY



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